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Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!


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Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

17 hours ago Netflix just uploaded the trailer for a documentary film titled PROCESSION. The film is reported to be released on November 19, 2021, on the Netflix platform. The film PROCESSION tells the story of 6 boys who were sexually abused by Catholic priests when they were young. These survivors eventually come together to create a short film based on their trauma. The director of this film is no ordinary director, as PROCESSION is directed by Robert Greene, an experienced documentary filmmaker. Curious about this film's trailer? Let's take a look at it!


This film will showcase the dark side of a Catholic church, which tells the story of children who have been sexually abused by Catholic priests.

Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

In the film PROCESSION, survivors will make a short film based on their experiences.

Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

In the short film, survivors will show memories, trauma, dreams they have experienced, and also show the culture and hierarchy within the church.


The survivors in this film aim to create a short film to heal their trauma and try to escape from the dark memories of their past.


Although it will only be released on November 19th, this film has already premiered on September 2, 2021 at the Telluride Film Festival 2021.

Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

According to, this film is expected to be nominated for an OSCAR after its screening at the Telluride Festival. 


In this film, the six survivors write their own scripts so that the short film they create will accurately depict what happened to them.

Highlighting the Story of Sexual Violence Survivors, Netflix Drops Trailer for Documentary Film 'PROCESSION' - Premiering on November 19th!

Looking back, this film almost tells the same story as the film SPOTLIGHT, but the difference is that SPOTLIGHT is about journalists investigating the Catholic Church's corrupt system. Meanwhile, this film shows the survivors' efforts to heal from their trauma.