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Joe Taslim's Action Will Be the Opening of the Film 'MORTAL KOMBAT', Here's a Sneak Peek of the Scene

Joe Taslim's Action Will Be the Opening of the Film 'MORTAL KOMBAT', Here's a Sneak Peek of the Scene MORTAL KOMBAT Poster. Copyright: Warner Bros Pictures - MORTAL KOMBAT will soon be released in many countries, including Indonesia, in April. This fantasy action film, adapted from a famous video game franchise, will come with a fresh taste in the hands of director Simon McQuoid and producer Todd Garner. Not only that, one of Indonesia's pride action actors, Joe Taslim, is involved in it. He portrays the character Sub-Zero, a ninja who has the power to create and control ice. 

Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero.Copyright: Warner Bros Pictures via YouTube.

The character Sub-Zero will have an important role in the MORTAL KOMBAT story. This can be seen from his appearance in the trailer, poster, and official photos released by Warner Bros Pictures. The rivalry between Sub-Zero and the character Scorpion (played by Hiroyuki Sanada) will be the highlight.

KapanLagi, along with several foreign media members, had the opportunity to witness the opening scene of this film last week. In approximately 13 minutes of the opening scene, viewers will witness the action of Joe Taslim. The beginning of the rivalry between these two iconic Mortal Kombat ninja characters will be shown.

1. The Appearance of a Ruthless Figure

The scene opens with a focus on a traditional Japanese house in the middle of a forest. There is a woman taking care of a baby with her child by her side. The serene atmosphere of the house is suddenly shattered by the sound of blood splattering on the walls. The ruthless killer responsible for this is named Bi-Han (played by Joe Taslim).

The family attacked by Bi-Han turns out to be Hanzo's family (played by Hiroyuki Sanada), who is Bi-Han's rival. The woman and children are none other than Hanzo's wife and children. They are defenseless in front of Bi-Han. When Bi-Han shows ice emerging from his hands, Hanzo's wife realizes that her life has come to an end.





2. Ninja Action with Kunai

The scene then shifts to Hanzo, who is searching for plants in the forest. He feels that something is wrong at home and immediately runs back. When he arrives home, he falls to his knees. His heart breaks as he sees his wife and children frozen and turned to stone. 

Before he has enough time to grieve, Hanzo is attacked by a group of ninja led by Bi-Han. Armed with kunai (a small knife weapon typical of Japanese ninjas) and a rope, he fights against the group. After taking care of the ninja soldiers, Hanzo approaches Bi-Han, who has been waiting in the depths of the forest. This is where the real battle begins. Who will win, you'll have to watch in the movie itself.  

Here's a spoiler for you, an iconic Mortal Kombat character will appear at the end of the Hanzo and Bi-Han battle. 






3. Good Choreography for Fighters

The fight between Hanzo and his kunai against the ninja army, as well as the one-on-one fight between him and Bi-Han, is displayed very well. The choreography and camera movements seem to portray fighters dancing. One more thing, just like in Mortal Kombat fights, there will be a lot of blood.

In several interviews, MORTAL KOMBAT is said to present choreography and visual effects that have never been seen before. Furthermore, the fight scenes in the film are an integral part of the development of each character. It's not just a brawl.





4. Scorpion and Sub Zero Rivalry

The rivalry between Scorpion and Sub-Zero can be said to have a significant presence in the MORTAL KOMBAT movie. Not only because their rivalry is well-known among fans of the video game, but also because this rivalry serves as the foundation for a broader story in the film. Director Simon McQuoid has his own perspective on this.

"There is an interesting and strong side when we put two characters facing each other, and they have a competitive bond. What you see at the beginning of the film is just the start. There will be an interesting ending. Their rivalry is crucial in building the storyline in this film," he said in an interview with KapanLagi on Tuesday (16/3).

Simon admitted that he really wanted their fight to be in the film. "I really enjoyed it, and I hope the audience will feel the emotions emanating from their fight," he added.  




5. Praise for Joe Taslim

Simon is confident that the rivalry he wants to build between the two characters can captivate the audience. Especially with Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero in his film. "And you will be able to see Joe Taslim. He is a very talented figure," he concluded. 

MORTAL KOMBAT will be released in April. Stay tuned for the latest news and Kapanlagi's interview with Simon McQuoid and producer Todd Garner. Only on




6. Watch the Trailer Below



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