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5 Latest Korean Film Recommendations to be Released in May - June 2022, Don't Miss Out

5 Latest Korean Film Recommendations to be Released in May - June 2022, Don't Miss Out Latest Korean Film Recommendations (credit: imdb) - The Korean film industry is currently on the rise, especially among young people. It's proven that various Korean film titles are always a hit in cinemas. Some Korean films and the actors and actresses in them also often occupy the trending topic rankings on social media. It's no wonder that every beginning of the month there are always people looking for the latest Korean film recommendations on the internet.

Actually, it's not surprising why Korean films are so popular among young people. Because Korean films always manage to present fresh and colorful story ideas. The visual charm and the performances of the actors and actresses who act with charm are also a special attraction of Korean films.

Usually, information related to Korean films that will be released has been spread on the internet for a long time. This then triggers the enthusiasm of audiences who are waiting for the latest work from their idols. So, what are the Korean film recommendations that will be released in May and June 2022? To find out, just read the following reviews.



The latest Korean film recommendation that premiered in May is THE ROUNDUP. This film is a sequel to THE OUTLAWS which was released in 2017 and immediately became a topic of conversation. Therefore, you, the audience of THE OUTLAWS 2017 must watch THE ROUNDUP which stars two famous South Korean action actors, Ma Dong Seok.

In this sequel, detective Ma Seok Do is investigating a case. Ma Seok Do is handling a case of hunting down a notorious criminal named Kang Hae Sang, who is suspected of fleeing to Vietnam. The investigation is certainly not easy. Various things happen that force Ma Seok Do to use all his strength.

THE ROUNDUP has been airing since May 18, 2022, and has received quite a lot of praise. So it's really a shame if you miss it!



A film titled BROKER is scheduled to be released in theaters on June 8, 2022. This drama genre film has attracted public attention as it is starred by many top actors, ranging from Song Kang Ho, Kang Dong Won, Bae Doo Na, Lee Joo Young, to Lee Ji Eun alias IU. The film BROKER tells the story of the discovery of a baby in a box.

From the discovery of the baby, the story unfolds. Each character involved makes a deal to determine who will be the baby's next parent. Interestingly, BROKER is one of the films from South Korea that was screened at the Cannes festival in 2022.



If you are looking for the latest Korean thriller and mystery film recommendation, DECISION TO LEAVE could be the answer. Like BROKER, the film DECISION TO LEAVE was also screened at the Cannes festival in May 2022. Meanwhile, the regular screening of the film DECISION TO LEAVE in Korean theaters is still scheduled for June.

DECISION TO LEAVE tells the story of a detective character named Hae Jun. The detective is investigating a mysterious murder case on a mountain. During the investigation, his attention is always focused on a person named Seo Rae. Her suspicious behavior makes Seo Rae one of the suspects. But is she really the culprit?



Next on the list of latest Korean movie recommendations is a film titled THE WITCH PART 2. However, instead of being a sequel to part 1, THE WITCH PART 2 is actually a prequel version of the previous series. THE WITCH PART 2 tells the story of a girl who suddenly wakes up in a laboratory.

Feeling uneasy about the situation, she then tries to escape. Unfortunately, her efforts to escape are not easy. A group of people block her way. But unexpectedly, the girl character can repel all the criminals who block her with extraordinary power within herself.

If you're curious about the continuation of the story, just watch the latest Korean movie recommendation THE WITCH PART 2 which will be released on June 15.



The latest Korean movie recommendation that aired in May 2022 is THE GENTLEMAN. This film is the result of the director Kim Kyoung Won's hand who previously successfully directed the film THE ARTIST: REBORN 2017. This latest Korean movie recommendation has a mystery genre with a detective character.

Told in the movie THE GENTLEMAN, a private detective agency owner named Ji Hyun Soo is involved in a murder case. Ji Hyun Soo, played by Ju Ji Hoon, is framed and accused of the murder. Therefore, Ji Hyun Soo tries to refute the accusation by clearing his name. Unfortunately, in his efforts to restore his good name, Ji Hyun Soo is actually involved in a more serious case.

Those are some of the latest Korean movie recommendations that aired in May and June 2022. Hopefully, they are useful and can be a reference for those of you who are in need of entertainment by watching movies.



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