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Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

Korean Drama

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Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

It's been more than a week since Suho arrived in the United States. In addition to vacationing, he also became a speaker at Stanford University's Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Through Instagram, this man named Kim Junmyeon shared some of his photos that fans say are very Instagram-able and boyfriend-able but cannot be owned. Let's see the photos of this EXO leader!

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

Suho on his first days in the United States. Update with the same appearance as when he left.

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

Suho enjoying the night in Los Angeles. The singer, who is also a Hurdle, once said that Los Angeles is one of his favorite cities.


Suho when walking on the streets of the United States. Are they already suitable to be your boyfriend?


Even when blurred, he is still handsome. But isn't it the one like this that makes you hallucinate? Do you agree?


Suho is very happy to be able to visit Napa Valley. Here he learns the process of making wine, a drink that he really likes.

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

On May 20th local time, Suho became a speaker at the Stanford event discussing the Hallyu Wave. Here he fully used the English language he learned during his military service.

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

Photos of Suho dressed like a CEO have also become trending in Korean forums. Korean netizens are even speechless with his handsomeness.


Some even say whether this is edited, because Suho looks so unreal or not really handsome.

Portrait of Suho EXO in the US, Very Boyfriend-able, Too Handsome as a Speaker at Stanford University, Mistaken for Editing

May 22, 2022, Suho celebrated his 31st birthday. He was chilling in America. Well, happy birthday Suho!