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5 Portraits of Super Junior's Locals, Proof that Oppa is ready to become a +62 citizen

5 Portraits of Super Junior's Locals, Proof that Oppa is ready to become a +62 citizen Super Junior (credit: - Who doesn't know about Super Junior, the senior boy band from South Korea that has been involved in the entertainment industry for 15 years. It turns out that Super Junior considers Indonesia as their second home, KLovers, and several pictures of Super Junior's local activities prove that they are ready to become +62 citizens.

Previously, in 2019, Super Junior held a concert titled World Tour Super Show 7, including Indonesia, and in February 2020, Super Junior held their World Tour Concert again and made Indonesia the country where Super Show 8 was held.

Super Junior members, consisting of Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun, even have Indonesian names, KLovers. Curious about Super Junior's local activities as +62 citizens? Let's find out.

1. Loving Indonesian Products

The first thing about Super Junior's local is loving Indonesian products. If you are an ELF, you will know that Kyuhyun is the youngest member of Super Junior and he really likes Indonesian instant noodles, specifically Indomie.

It is known that Kyuhyun really likes Indomie with chicken curry flavor, to the point that he will ask the promoter to provide Indomie instant noodles when he is in Indonesia. He likes it so much that Kyuhyun even brought a whole box of chicken curry noodles to Korea, KLovers.

Just like Kyuhyun, Yesung was also caught carrying instant noodles at the airport when returning to Korea. Yesung was holding a package of the popular fried noodles.

It turns out that not only college students, KLovers, but Yesung and Kyuhyun oppa are also fans of fried and boiled noodles with a legendary flavor.

2. Speaking Indonesian

Almost all members of Super Junior are apparently fluent in Indonesian, KLovers. Like Siwon who recently posted on his Twitter and Instagram with captions in several languages, including Indonesian.

There is also Yesung who has several times made photo captions on Twitter or Instagram using Indonesian. Donghae also greeted Indonesian fans several times using Indonesian language on his live YouTube.

Then there is Sungmin who released a mini album titled Orgel in 2019 and met his fans directly in Korea. Sungmin saw an Indonesian fan and without hesitation, he greeted the fan in Korean and said, "Are you Indonesian?". Fans were surprised that Sungmin could guess that they were from Indonesia, and Sungmin greeted them again by saying, "How are you?" in a friendly manner.

Not wanting to be outdone, the next member of Super Junior, Leeteuk, always greets Indonesian fans during concerts with the phrase, "I like Indonesian girls". Recently, Leeteuk also said the word "mantul" during the Super Show 8 concert in February 2020.

Wow, it's really suitable, KLovers, that Super Junior members are considered as +62 residents.

3. Close to Mr. Jokowi

Loving Indonesian products, being able to speak Indonesian, and this time Super Junior's locals can also be seen in their closeness to the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo. The closeness was seen when Jokowi, along with Mrs. Iriana, gave encouragement to the Super Junior members before their performance at the closing of the 2018 ASEAN Games in Indonesia.

Not forgetting, Super Junior also gave an album signed by the members. Not only that, the members' closeness to President Joko Widodo was also shown when one of the members named Leeteuk, who is the leader of Super Junior, called President Joko Widodo as 'abang' (older brother).

During the Super Show 8 concert in Indonesia, Leeteuk also said that he personally met Jokowi in Korea. Leeteuk said that he asked for Jokowi's permission to make the Indonesian ELF (the nickname for Super Junior fans) as Super Junior's girlfriend forever.

How about you, KLovers? Are you ready to be the Oppas' girlfriend?

4. Jalan-Jalan

Returning with +62 activities, the local portrait of Super Junior comes from one of the Super Junior members, Siwon, who is doing even more challenging activities, which is riding a motorcycle alone in Bali. It is known that before performing the Super Show 7 concert in Jakarta, Siwon visited Bali for a few days of vacation.

Before he went for a motorcycle ride, it is also known that Siwon went for a morning run on the streets of Jakarta before performing at the closing of the 2018 ASEAN Games in Indonesia.

Not only that, recently Siwon went to a mini market to buy instant noodles and took photos with the Indonesian people there. Siwon was also seen joking around with one of the girls there before buying instant noodles.

Feels like home, right Siwon Oppa.

5. Having the name Indonesia

This time the members didn't hold back and decided to have the name Indonesia. Before holding the World Tour Super Show 8 concert in Jakarta, the members of Super Junior added their local portraits by having Indonesian names.

Previously, only Leeteuk, the leader of Super Junior, Eunhyuk, and Donghae had Indonesian names. But this time, several members have their own Indonesian names. The names are:

Leeteuk: Kadir

Yesung: Rangga

Shindong: Dewo

Eunhyuk: Eko

Donghae: Dimas

Siwon: Agung

Ryeowook: Kresna

and Kyuhyun: Hotman

After these names were officially announced, fans, especially ELF Indonesia, called them by their Indonesian names. How about it, KLovers? Do the oppas suit their Indonesian names?

Those are the 5 local portraits of Super Junior that went viral and there are still many more local things that the members do that we may not know about. This proves that the oppas have met the standards of being +62 citizens, right KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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