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6 Interesting Facts about Webtoon 'The Secret Of Angel', Adapted into a Drama - Starring Cha Eun Woo

6 Interesting Facts about Webtoon 'The Secret Of Angel', Adapted into a Drama - Starring Cha Eun Woo Lee Suho, Lim Ju Kyung, Cha Eun Woo (credit:; - For those of you who enjoy webtoons, you must be familiar with the webtoon comic titled The Secret Of Angel which is the work of the beautiful comic artist Yeongyi. The story of The Secret Of Angel is one of the popular comics in Korea, China, and even Indonesia, and is one of the most widely read comics on Webtoon.

In fact, the interesting fact of The Secret Of Angel webtoon has a readership of 22.1 million and has a high rating of 9.85, and occupies the first position in the most popular story currently on Webtoon.

The story of The Secret Of Angel falls into the drama genre and is created directly by a comic artist from South Korea. It tells the story of a girl named Lim Ju Kyung who is skilled in fashion and makeup. Ju Kyung also has friends named Lee Suho and Han Seo Jun.

The Secret Of Angel tells a love triangle story, friendship, social life, and fashion. Therefore, here are 6 interesting facts about the webtoon The Secret Of Angel.



1. Beautiful Cartoonist

Interesting facts about the Webtoon The Secret Of Angel are, first, about the cartoonist who has attracted a lot of attention from fans, Yeongyi. It turns out that Yeongyi has a very beautiful face and a perfect body. Fans initially wanted to know about Yeongyi's life because she can provide information about fashion and good makeup techniques in creating stories.

When photos of Yeongyi spread on social media, fans were amazed by Yeongyi's beauty. Everyone thought that the main character, Lim Ju Kyung, looked very similar to Yeongyi. Yeongyi has long legs, a cute and beautiful face, and of course, an ideal body. People may not believe that Yeongyi, a famous cartoonist on Webtoon, looks so beautiful and fashionable.

Yeongyi also told her fans on her comic page that she has always loved fashion, which is why she incorporates a lot of fashion and makeup elements in her comics. Not only that, but Yeongyi also shares all her activities on her Instagram page, @meow91__, which has 1 million followers. There, you can see how Yeongyi shares all her activities with a very fashionable and trendy dressing style.

2. Bully

Interesting facts about the Webtoon The Secret Of Angel are that in the first episode of the Webtoon, the main female character named Lim Ju Kyung is shown to be a victim of bullying due to her unattractive face and strange way of dressing. This happened before Lim Ju Kyung became skilled in using makeup, and she was also bullied by her classmates in middle school who saw her heavily made up and not beautiful.

This of course made Lim Ju Kyung hurt and sad because of the bullying, so she was determined to learn makeup so that she could also look beautiful. When Ju Kyung succeeded in makeup and became beautiful, Lim Ju Kyung finally decided to transfer to a school far from her friends and start a new life.

3. Korean Women's Life

The story of bullying experienced by Lim Ju Kyung suggests that there is still a lot of bullying happening in South Korea due to not following the trend at that time. It is also known that Lim Ju Kyung actually likes herself as she is without makeup, she also likes reading horror comics and a horror style that would be considered strange by other children. In order to have a comfortable life in high school, Lim Ju Kyung eventually decided to give up her hobbies and switch to fashion and makeup.

It is also evident how Lim Ju Kyung eventually became dependent on makeup and dared not meet anyone when she wasn't wearing makeup, even with her partner Han Seo jun. But when high school ended, Lim Ju Kyung finally discovered her talent. She can cleverly transform others into beautiful or handsome individuals just by changing their makeup and fashion style.

Ju Kyung also has a male friend who is very simple and lacks confidence in his appearance, but eventually they become close and good friends. 

4. Shortcomings of the Characters

We know that every character in The Secret Of Angel has a beautiful and handsome face, they also have fashionable clothing styles. But behind all that, each character still has their own shortcomings. Like Lim Ju Kyung who until now remains an insecure woman, she never even imagined that someone like her could have a good relationship with Lee Suho and Han Seo Jun.

Next, there's Lim Ju Kyung's current boyfriend, Han Seo Jun, who has shortcomings because he has to work hard to earn money in various ways so that he can live with his younger sister, as Han Seo Jun's parents are currently in the hospital and need treatment. This handsome man tries to work as a clown and a food delivery person to support his family and give Ju Kyung gifts.

As for Lee Suho, a handsome and intelligent man who is also wealthy, but does not have a warm life with his family. He lives with his famous actor father and always lives in solitude. This story shows that looking perfect doesn't necessarily mean being happy. But because of the shortcomings they have, these three main characters remain humble despite the beauty, handsomeness, and fame they possess.

5. Becoming a Drama

Then the interesting fact about the Webtoon The Secret Of Angel is that it is rumored to be adapted into a drama. And in 2019, comic artist Yeongyi announced to the readers that the story The Secret Of Angel will be made into a drama. However, the cast for the characters in The Secret Of Angel has not been determined yet.

Then in 2020, it was announced that Cha Eun Woo will be one of the actors for the male character in The Secret Of Angel. This is an added joy for the fans because Cha Eun Woo will also be one of the actors in the drama.

6. Cha Eun Woo Has Been a Candidate for a Long Time

And the interesting fact about Webtoon The Secret Of Angel is that, it turns out that Cha Eun Woo has been the center of attention for readers of The Secret Of Angel because of his resemblance to the character Lee Suho. When The Secret Of Angel was going to be made into a drama, many fans had already paired Lee Suho in the real world as Cha Eun Woo.

Currently, Cha Eun Woo's management has confirmed that Cha Eun Woo has received an offer to be a cast member in the drama The Secret Of Angel. However, for now, Cha Eun Woo is still reviewing the story and processing whether he will agree to participate in this drama or not. Of course, fans really want Cha Eun Woo to be involved in this drama project.

Those are the 6 interesting facts about The Secret Of Angel that you must know, behind its romantic story that can confuse readers. It turns out there is an extraordinary story that ultimately shapes Lim Ju Kyung into a beautiful and extraordinary woman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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