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7 Drakor about Organized Drug Gangsters, Full of Exciting Actions - Unexpected Plot Twists

7 Drakor about Organized Drug Gangsters, Full of Exciting Actions - Unexpected Plot Twists Drakor about Drug Gangsters (credit: - In Korean dramas, the story of drug gangster drakor has become a phenomenon that attracts the attention of many viewers. With complex plots and strong characters, this series provides a deep insight into the dark and dangerous criminal world.

Through the journey of its main characters, viewers are taken into the complex layers of gangster life and organized crime intrigues. Combined with thrilling actions and constant tension, this drakor is highly entertaining to watch.

Let's check out the list of drakor about drug gangsters that can awaken adrenaline, moral decisions, and the consequences of the wrong path. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. MY NAME (2021)

Rating7.8 Mydramalist
Episode8 episode
Durasi50 minutes
PemainHan So Hee, Park Hee Soon, Ahn Bo Hyun

Drakor about the first drug gangster, there is a drama titled MY NAME. This drama tells the story of Yoon Ji Woo, who tries to avenge her father's death when he was shot on her 17th birthday. For that, Ji Woo joins the mafia group led by Choi Mu Jin, who is a former business partner of her father.

After training for years, Ji Woo becomes one of the strongest female members in the group. Furthermore, she infiltrates the police narcotics unit as a detective to find her father's killer. This drama MY NAME itself is filled with intense action scenes and captivating confrontations for the audience.

2. VINCENZO (2021)

Rating8.4 Mydramalist
Episode20 episode
Durasi85 menit
TayangNetflix, VIU
PemainSong Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Been, Ok Taecyeon

Drakor tentang gangster narkoba kedua ada drama VINCENZO. Drama ini mengangkat tema kejahatan dengan menggunakan bahan terlarang seperti narkotika. Ceritanya mengisahkan seorang mafia Italia bernama Vincenzo. Saat kembali ke Korea, Vincenzo terlibat dalam konflik gedung.

Di dalam gedung itu, tersimpan harta peninggalan konglomerat Tiongkok yang hanya diketahui oleh Vincenzo. Ia terlibat dalam konflik tersebut dan bermitra dengan pengacara Hong Cha Young. Bersama-sama, mereka melawan Babel Group yang dikenal licik dan kejam dalam drama ini.

3. A MODEL FAMILY (2022)

Rating6.6 Mydramalist
Episode10 episodes
Duration45 minutes
CastJung Woo, Park Hee Soon, Yoon Jin Seo

Continuing, in 2022 there is a drama about a drug gangster titled A MODEL FAMILY. This drama tells the story of Dong Ha and Eun Joo, a married couple who stumble upon a big problem after finding a large sum of money inside a vehicle.

Unbeknownst to them, the money is related to a drug trafficking group, and Dong Ha becomes involved in the case. The Dong Ha family is then faced with new and increasingly complex problems as they try to protect their children after becoming fugitives.

4. NARCO-SAINTS (2022)

Rating7.3 Mydramalist
Episode6 episode
Durasi62 minutes
PemainHa Jung Woo, Hwang Jung Min, Park Hae Soo

The next drama is NARCO-SAINTS. This drama about drug gangsters broadly tells the story of the pursuit of a Korean drug lord operating in Suriname, America. The story revolves around an ordinary man who gets involved in a secret mission.

The mission involves capturing a South Korean drug kingpin who is disguised as a pastor in Suriname, South America. This drama offers an interesting view of the drug network, a story that is not to be missed.

5. BARGAIN (2022)

Rating6.6 Mydramalist
Episode6 episode
Durasi36 menit
TayangApple TV, Prime Video
PemainJin Seon Kyu, Jeon Jong Seo, Chang Ryul

Masih di tahun 2022, kali ini ada drakor tentang gangster narkoba berjudul BARGAIN. Drama ini mengisahkan No Hyung Soo yang datang ke sebuah kamar motel untuk bertemu dengan Park Joo Young. Namun, kejutan tak terduga datang saat mereka diserang oleh orang-orang yang ingin membeli organ tubuhnya. Dalam situasi darurat, gempa bumi tiba-tiba menghantam, memaksa mereka bertahan hidup di dalam gedung yang runtuh ini.


Rating8.6 Mydramalist
Episode12 episode
Durasi42 menit
TayangDisney+ Hostar, HULU
PemainJi Chang Wook, Wi Ha Joon, Im Se Mi

Lanjut, ada drakor tentang gangster narkoba berjudul THE WORST OF EVIL. Cerita ini berlangsung di Seoul pada tahun 1990-an, di mana seorang mantan DJ mulai menjual obat kuat baru yang dikenal sebagai Gangnam Crystal di klub malam setelah mengambil alih organisasi gangster.

Karena sedikit informasi yang diketahui oleh polisi Korea tentang asal usul obat-obatan ini, akhirnya seorang petugas polisi pedesaan bernama Park Jun Mu dipilih untuk misi berbahaya menyusup ke dalam organisasi penyelundupan narkoba yang merajalela tersebut.


Rating8.2 Mydramalist
Episode16 episode
Durasi70 minutes
PemainLee You Mi, Kim Jung Eun, Kim Hae Sook

And another drama about drug gangsters is STRONG GIRL NAMSOON. This drama tells the story of Kang Nam Soon, a super-powered individual who is searching for her parents in Seoul. Her mother turns out to be Hwang Geum Joo, a wealthy woman who is trying to do good deeds after losing her daughter.

They eventually work together to do good, but get involved in a drug case in Gangnam. Detective Kang Hee Sik handles the case and becomes interested in Kang Nam Soon and her mother. Conflicts arise as they try to solve the case while facing personal challenges and their superpowers.

Those are some dramas about drug gangsters that you can watch. With thrilling plots and strong characters, these dramas offer an unforgettable experience for the viewers.


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