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7 Reasons Why Kim Soo Hyun Deserves the Title of the Most Expensive Korean Actor, Already Been in the Industry Since the Age of 19

7 Reasons Why Kim Soo Hyun Deserves the Title of the Most Expensive Korean Actor, Already Been in the Industry Since the Age of 19 Kim Soo Hyun © MBC - - Already starred in various popular dramas and films, it's no wonder that Kim Soo Hyun was crowned as the top actor in South Korea. Not only that, he was also named as the number one highest paid actor in South Korea at the moment, as reported by Metro.

This actor receives a payment of Rp 2.4 billion for each episode in the drama IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. Surely this payment is very proportional to the following reasons. Let's take a look!

1. Starting Debut at the Age of 19

Initially, Kim Soo Hyun was told by his mother to take acting classes in high school because of his shy and introverted personality. After going through it, Kim Soo Hyun began to dare to socialize and fell more in love with the acting world.

This actor then continued his studies in the Department of Arts and Film at Chung-Ang University. After graduating, he began his career as an actor and the first TV drama he starred in was KIMCHI CHEESE SMILE.

2. Singing Talent

Appearing in the drama DREAM HIGH with Suzy in 2011, this also marked Kim Soo Hyun's debut as a singer. Yup, besides acting, this actor also has a melodious voice. It is proven that he has contributed to the soundtracks of the dramas he starred in, such as Dreaming (OST DREAM HIGH) and In Front of Your House (OST MY LOVE FROM THE STAR).

3. Polite and Funny Personality

If you are a long-time fan of Kim Soo Hyun, you must already know that he has a funny personality. Even though he always looks cool, this actor is always successful in lightening the atmosphere on the shooting location.

One of the TV advertising agents named Kwak Eun Jung said that this actor indeed has a good image in the eyes of the public. He is known as a polite and knowledgeable person, so he can attract many people's hearts as reported by Kdramastar.

4. Nickname 'Advertisement King'

In 2014, Kim Soo Hyun was given the nickname 'Advertisement King' because many brands were competing to get his name and face. Based on advertising industry reports, Soo Hyun had 15 commercial shoots in South Korea and 20 companies from other Asian countries.

With a total of 35 commercials in a year, Kim Soo Hyun also made donations for the Sewol ferry tragedy and children in China.

5. Achieve 53 Awards

According to Wikipedia, from his career journey from 2010 to 2015, Kim Soo Hyun managed to achieve 53 awards. He has also been listed three times in Forbes' list of Most Influential Korean Celebrities. He can be included in the list based on achievements, popularity, and annual income.

6. Want to Try Different Roles

Not only playing handsome and wealthy guys, Kim Soo Hyun has also tried various roles different from his image.

Before serving in the military, Kim Soo Hyun starred in the film REAL in 2017. In the drama, he had to have a bed scene with Choi Sulli.

credit: tvN

In addition, he also appeared comically as a cameo in the drama CRASH LANDING ON YOU. His unique hairstyle and funny behavior as a North Korean spy who has long lived in South Korea successfully caught the attention of the audience.

7. Captivating Acting Ability

After completing his mandatory military service in 2019, Kim Soo Hyun returned to acting in his latest drama entitled IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. He showcased his quality as an actor after a long hiatus from the entertainment industry.

In episode 9, Kim Soo Hyun succeeded in becoming a topic of conversation due to his acting that was able to drain the emotions of viewers like a roller coaster. As reported by Naver, netizens said that the actor could easily change the pleasant atmosphere into a sad one in that episode.

Well, those are the various reasons why Kim Soo Hyun deserves the title of the most expensive actor in South Korea. Do you agree?


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