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Acknowledge His Role in KINGDOM SEASON 2 More Challenging, Joo Ji Hoon Does This When Doing Action Scenes

Acknowledge His Role in KINGDOM SEASON 2 More Challenging, Joo Ji Hoon Does This When Doing Action Scenes Joo Ji Hoon KINGDOM SEASON 2 © Netflix - In the press conference KINGDOM SEASON 2 held on Thursday, March 5, 2020, Joo Ji Hoon acknowledged his character portrayal. According to him, the action scenes he performed in season 2 made it more challenging for him. As the prince Lee Chang, he was also required to be more active and have more plans in the story of season 2.

"I think this season is more challenging because there are many action scenes in season 2. I think what sets it apart is the story. In season 2, I am more active and have more plans compared to the previous season," he said.

1. More Rehearsals and Chats with the Cast and Director

The 37-year-old actor also admitted that he had to do a lot of preparation, such as rehearsals. This is done to prevent any unwanted incidents on the shooting location. Another challenging aspect is that he had to convey emotions even while performing action scenes.

"I did a lot of action scenes. I also prepared myself with many rehearsals to avoid any unwanted incidents, such as someone getting injured during those scenes. Even though it's an action scene, I still have to capture deep emotions to get the feel of it by chatting with the cast and director," said Joo Ji Hoon.

2. More Zombie Troops in Season 2

Joo Ji Hoon himself plays Lee Chang in the series KINGDOM. He faces a situation where the increasing number of zombie troops threatens the safety of the kingdom and its people. Lee Chang becomes more determined to eliminate the Cho family from the kingdom. He invites people to help him reclaim his throne.

Netflix has also released the official trailer for KINGDOM SEASON 2, which lasts for 1 minute and 58 seconds. This series will be available on Netflix on March 13, 2020. Are you ready to follow the continuation of the KINGDOM story?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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