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Being the First and Only K-Pop Idol, V BTS Birthday Advertisement Will Appear in TIME Magazine

Being the First and Only K-Pop Idol, V BTS Birthday Advertisement Will Appear in TIME Magazine V BTS © NAVER x Dispatch - Idol's birthday is often associated with fans' grand initiatives that are often made on a large scale. One of them is BTS fans' project to welcome V's 25th (26th in Korean age) birthday at the end of the year.

ARMY is known for not holding back in celebrating the birthdays of BTS members. They always raise the level of idol's birthday celebration under the management of Big Hit Entertainment every year.

Usually, K-Pop idol birthday advertisements are displayed in subway stations or billboards in the middle of the city, but this year, ARMY's chosen advertising media is a magazine. Not just any magazine, ARMY chose TIME, which highlights the most influential figures of the year.

1. BTS Entertainer of the Year

BTS themselves have been chosen as Entertainer of the Year and their faces will be featured in the year-end edition of TIME magazine. As known, BTS has continued to shine internationally in 2020 despite the pandemic that has hit.

"BTS is not only the biggest K-pop artist on the charts. They have become the biggest band in the world - period. Releasing several albums, breaking every kind of record, and appearing in incredible live streams in 2020, BTS rose to the pinnacle of pop fame. And they did it in a year marked by setbacks, where the world experienced a pause and everyone struggled to maintain their connections.... But BTS's bond with their international fanbase, called ARMY, deepened amidst the pandemic, global racial reckoning, and closures happening worldwide," wrote Raisa Bruner from TIME.

2. First and Only

Being selected as one of the most influential figures in 2020 seems insufficient for the ARMY. Therefore, Baidu Vbar, a fans club dedicated to V from China, successfully placed a birthday advertisement in TIME magazine to celebrate his 26th birthday.

This is a significant achievement in the world of K-Pop, considering V is the first and only idol to have a birthday advertisement featured in TIME magazine. Therefore, BTS's appearance as Entertainer of the Year and V's birthday advertisement will appear in the same magazine.

3. Full Page

V's birthday advertisement will adorn a full page in TIME magazine. Here's a preview of the birthday advertisement that will be featured in the magazine.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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