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BTS International Achievements During the Pandemic

BTS International Achievements During the Pandemic BTS (credit: AFP) - The Covid-19 pandemic does not prevent someone from being able to remain productive and creative. In fact, such consistency can result in a brilliant achievement. Just like what happened to the boy group from South Korea, BTS.

During this pandemic, BTS has achieved many international accomplishments. For example, staying at #1 on the Billboard Top Social 50 for 209 weeks.

The MV for the song Dynamite also broke the record for the most views in 24 hours. Dynamite is also noted as the song with the biggest global debut on Spotify. Curious about what other achievements BTS has successfully achieved? Let's find out more in the following infographic.


Stay enthusiastic in creating and being productive, KLovers. Whatever your activities are, #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Advice). Wear a mask when traveling, avoid crowds, and diligently wash your hands with soap and running water.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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