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Celebrating Chuseok in America, BTS Misses Fast Korean WiFi

Celebrating Chuseok in America, BTS Misses Fast Korean WiFi Credit via - For most Korean citizens, Chuseok is an unmissable holiday moment. Like Eid in Indonesia, this national holiday celebrated every September 21 in Korea is utilized by many citizens to go back to their hometowns or gather with family.

However, for BTS, Chuseok 2021 seems to be unable to be fully enjoyed as a holiday. Instead of gathering with family, BTS flew to New York, United States, to fulfill the mandate as special envoys of President Korea, Moon Jae In, at the 76th UN General Assembly.

Amidst the official agenda, BTS took the time to greet fans while celebrating Chuseok in America. Initially, the celebration held with a simple meal by the BTS members seemed exciting. Until the internet connection was disrupted.

1. Make BTS Miss Fast WiFi in Korea

Due to the poor WiFi connection at the hotel where BTS stayed, the livestreaming event on VLive had to be repeated several times. This technical disturbance made BTS and fans uncomfortable in communicating.

Even some BTS fans residing in New York admitted that the connection in the city is very bad. Because of this, RM from BTS jokingly said, "Oh, I miss the fast WiFi in Korea."

True enough, according to the Speedtest Global Index, South Korea has one of the fastest internet speeds in the world, with network speeds reaching 180.48 Mbps. South Korea is only surpassed by the United Arab Emirates, which in 2021 had an internet connection speed of 193.51 Mbps.

2. Suga Responds to Those Underestimating BTS at the UN

Although it was interrupted at times, VLive recently uploaded its summary again, so BTS fans can watch it comfortably.

In addition to eating, BTS also discussed many things. One of them is the mandate they carry at the UN General Assembly. Suga, who seemed to speak less, then revealed some things that attracted attention.

"Actually, we were only asked to speak like other delegates at the UN General Assembly. However, during the interview, some interviewers said that because of BTS, more people watched the event. After that, they kept talking about it," said Suga.

He then mentioned some parties that had questioned BTS's presence at this UN event because they are singers, not politicians.

"Then, some parties questioned our presence, like 'Aren't you singers? Why did you go there? What are you going to do?'." Sure, we understand that, because we were asked to come for a clear reason, which is to support the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). So, you don't need to doubt us," Suga continued.

Immediately, what Suga said was positively responded by the fans, because he didn't just stay silent when underestimated by others. He then concluded his statement by expressing his opinion, so that anyone wouldn't easily underestimate others just based on their appearance alone.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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