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Connecting Communication with Choi Siwon, Raffi Ahmad: He's Similar to Me

Connecting Communication with Choi Siwon, Raffi Ahmad: He's Similar to Me Choi Siwon and Raffi Ahmad © - K-Pop fans, especially Super Junior fans, must already know that Choi Siwon is in Jakarta. He visited the house of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, which surely made Super Junior fans excited.

Raffi Ahmad, when met at studio 41, Warung Nagih, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/3/2020), shared the story of Siwon's visit to his house. Siwon's visit was kept private by Raffi, so no K-Pop fans came.

"I also kept Siwon's privacy, because if I had posted before, I was afraid his fans would come and Siwon wouldn't be prepared. He really came to my house just as a friend," said Raffi.

1. Already Very Familiar

As a famous Korean artist, Siwon definitely has a lot of fans. But luckily, Raffi admitted that he is not at all complicated and confusing in taking care of Siwon because they are already friends.

"This is me and him direct, directly as a friend, friends, but I also have management. Me and him in Korea have met, have collaborated together, so it's like I'm going to Baim Wong, 'Bro, where are you?', 'Here, I'm coming', like that. Yeah, like that, so relaxed," said Raffi.

2. Siwon and Raffi Have Similar Personalities

Raffi Ahmad is Indonesian, while Choi Siwon is from Korea. Although they both can speak English, there are still differences. Fortunately, Raffi doesn't feel the communication differences too much.

"Yeah, I also have a Korean friend, so there is a translator. Siwon, he is really similar to me, humble like that. Our ages are also the same, same as me, so it's not about maintaining an image or anything. He is also happy because he knows that there are many fans in Indonesia and he tries to explore that," said Raffi.

3. Raffi Invites Siwon to Do Business

Although Raffi admitted that when he came to Siwon's house they only chatted, it turns out that Raffi did invite him to do business together. Unfortunately, their busy schedules became a hindrance.

"At first, I said, 'Siwon, let's start a business, what do you think?'. He said, 'Let's do it'. We were just chatting, maybe if there's a business opportunity that we can work on together, the important thing is to strengthen our relationship. I invited him, but he's busy. Maybe because he's in Korea and his mobility is not in Indonesia, so he's quite busy. If it's possible, I said, if not, then it's not," he concluded.

Hopefully, someday we can do business together!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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