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2 Mandatory Activities of Choi Siwon in the Morning, Still Carried Out in Indonesia?

2 Mandatory Activities of Choi Siwon in the Morning, Still Carried Out in Indonesia? Choi Siwon © TPG Images - K-Pop fans in Indonesia, especially ELF or Super Junior fans, must already know that our beloved visual, Choi Siwon, has just arrived in Indonesia. The 34-year-old man was seen leaving for here on Saturday morning (7/3/2020).

Until now, fans are still confused about what Siwon is doing in Indonesia. Because the fan meeting with Mie Sedaaap is currently postponed.

Not only that, in the midst of the worrying spread of the coronavirus, fans are also concerned about Siwon. But luckily, the K-Pop idol who is also an actor is doing fine.

1. Siwon's Morning Activities

Siwon himself uploaded a photo on Insta Story on Monday morning (9/3/2020). In the photo, he is seen wearing headphones and being in a gym.

"I always start my day with prayer and exercise," he wrote in the photo. For those who don't know, Siwon is known for being religious and having a great body from regularly going to the gym.

2. Where is He Now?

Fans are wondering, is Siwon still in Indonesia? Was the photo taken at his current place of stay? One thing is certain, the headphones Siwon wore at the gym are the same ones he wore at the airport when he departed for Indonesia.

Stay healthy, Siwon! Did anyone meet Siwon in Indonesia?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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