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The Cast is Surprised when Reading the 'KINGDOM Season 2' Script, Will There Be a New Mystery?

The Cast is Surprised when Reading the 'KINGDOM Season 2' Script, Will There Be a New Mystery? Cast Kingdom Season 2 ©NETFLIX - After a year of waiting for the continuation of the zombie outbreak story in the series KINGDOM, on March 13, 2020, KINGDOM Season 2 will be released.In a press conference held on Thursday, March 15, 2020, the cast members revealed about the series KINGDOM in its second season.

The three main actors of KINGDOM, Ju Ji Hoon, Ryu Seung Ryong, and Bae Doona, who were present that day, admitted to being surprised when reading the script for KINGDOM Season 2.

Ju Ji Hoon, who plays the crown prince in the series KINGDOM, said that season 2 will satisfy the viewers. Meanwhile, Ryu Seung Ryong, who plays the antagonist in this series, said that the second season will be crazier than the previous season. Many new mysteries will emerge in this second season.

"I think many pieces of mystery are placed very well, and it should satisfy the viewers," said the actor who plays Prince Lee Chang.

"I thought, 'Wow, this is crazy.' This season is not only about solving mysteries but also about solving them very neatly. Not only solving mysteries, but also introducing many cool new mysteries," Ryu Seung Ryong revealed.

1. Will There Be a New Mystery?

Bae Doona further explains as a clue to the new mystery mentioned by Ryu Seung Ryong earlier. Each episode will reveal many surprising stories. There will be plot twists that even shock the actors when reading the script.

"When I read the script for the first time, 'Wow! Really? This character?' in every episode. There will be twists after each episode with many surprising stories," said Bae Donna.

"The actors were also surprised during filming this season, and I hope the audience will be entertained as well. Many mysteries will be solved, but many new mysteries will also arise in the end of this second season," explained the actress who plays the role of Seo Bi the physician.

2. The Writer 'KINGDOM' Speaks Up

Kim Eun Hee, the writer of the series KINGDOM, revealed that in this second season, many mysteries will be solved. "I will say, yes, many will be solved," said Kim Eun Hee.

In KINGDOM Season 2, the increasing number of zombie troops begins to threaten the safety of the kingdom and its people. Lee Chang becomes more determined to remove the Cho family from the kingdom. He invites people to help him reclaim his throne. What will their fate be?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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