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Delayed for 3 Years, Ma Dong Seok Finally Holds Wedding Reception

Delayed for 3 Years, Ma Dong Seok Finally Holds Wedding Reception Ma Dong Seok © - A happy news has just arrived from popular Korean actor, Ma Dong Seok. The star of THE ROUNDUP: PUNISHMENT (THE OUTLAWS 4) finally held his wedding reception with Ye Jung Hwa, who is 17 years younger than him.

Ma Dong Seok and Ye Jung Hwa's wedding reception was held privately on Sunday (26/5) in Seoul. This is in accordance with the statement from Ma Dong Seok's agency, Big Punch Entertainment, last April.

"This couple (Ma Dong Seok and Ye Jung Hwa) will get married in May. Their wedding reception will be held privately," reads the press release from Big Punch Entertainment a month ago.

1. Celebrating the Success of His Film

What's more special is that this celebration coincides with the success of the film THE ROUNDUP: PUNISHMENT, which became a box office hit with 11 million viewers. Successfully surpassing its prequel in 2023, this film also surpassed the record of EXHUMA as the fastest Korean film in 2024 to reach 11 million viewers.

Regarding his latest box office record, Ma Dong Seok answered a question at an event. There, he talked about the support from his beloved wife.

"When I first met my wife, I was still very poor. Recently, my situation has improved significantly. I am very grateful to her for protecting me from poverty, providing many ideas, and always helping me," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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