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Don't Miss the Vote to Become K-Lagi Korea's Fandom of The Month, Win Official K-Pop Merch!

Don't Miss the Vote to Become K-Lagi Korea's Fandom of The Month, Win Official K-Pop Merch! K-Lagi Fandom of The Month - Welcoming the new year 2021, you can still prove to be the most united fans in K-Lagi Korea's Fandom of The Month for January. It's very easy!

Vote for your idol here by filling in your personal data and choosing your favorite K-Pop star. You can vote multiple times, not only that, one lucky winner has the chance to win K-Pop Official Merchandise. So don't miss out on voting by clicking the photo below.

A series of fandoms such as ARMY, EXO-L, BLACKPINK, REVELUV, NCTZEN, MONBEBE, and many others have proven to be the best fandoms each month. Now it's your fandom's turn!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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