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Reporter Exposes Taeyeon Girls Generation and Ravi's True Dating, the Evidence Gives Netizens Goosebumps

Reporter Exposes Taeyeon Girls Generation and Ravi's True Dating, the Evidence Gives Netizens Goosebumps Taeyeon Girls Generation - Ravi VIXX © NOW - Lately, K-Pop fans have been shocked by the news of Taeyeon Girls Generation and Ravi VIXX dating. However, it didn't last long as both agencies under which they are managed denied it and stated that their status is only friends.

However, recently a Korean reporter named Simple Lee uploaded his latest video. This reporter said that both idols are indeed dating despite their agencies' denial.

The reporter explained the evidence in the video that he recorded while following Taeyeon and Ravi's schedules. The reporter even stalked them during their Christmas celebration.

1. Dua Kali Upload

Previously, reporter Simple Lee was the first person to report the dating news of Taeyeon and Ravi by uploading a video that has now been deleted. Then he uploaded a second video stating that they have been dating for a year.

"I will tell you the facts. I have known about their relationship since last October from an insider who knows both of them. It is true that they have been in a relationship for a year. Their relationship is more than just senior-junior. They rely on and care for each other," said the reporter as quoted from Theqoo.

2. Bersama di Hari Natal

The reporter mentioned that Taeyeon and Ravi spent time together during Christmas. He confidently showed a video he recorded while following them.

"They are both popular celebrities, so they were together for 55 hours from Christmas until the 27th. They never left each other," he added.

3. Gives Chills

This post immediately became a hot topic in the online Korean community. Many netizens were creeped out and scared because the video seemed like someone stalking.

Netizens said that reporter Simple Lee went too far in digging up the personal information of the two idols. For netizens, whether an idol is dating or not is not a problem as long as they don't commit crimes and harm others.

It is important to remember that an idol is also a human being just like us who needs freedom and privacy boundaries. What do you think?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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