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EXO Fans Suggest Not to Discuss Chen's Childbirth Again, Here's the Reason!

EXO Fans Suggest Not to Discuss Chen's Childbirth Again, Here's the Reason! Chen EXO (credit: SM Entertainment) - After announcing in January that he would marry his pregnant girlfriend, Chen EXO seems to have disappeared. He only briefly appeared when he apologized to his fans.

While many fans were missing him, suddenly there was good news from a media outlet that said Chen's wife had given birth to their first child on Wednesday (29/4/2020). Shortly after, SM Entertainment confirmed the news and stated that Chen's child is a girl.

Fans from all over the world created various trending topics on Twitter to show their happiness and support for Chen's child's birth. However, there are still some haters in Korea who made a trending topic because they still don't agree that the singer of the song Shall we? is still in EXO.

Therefore, some fans in Korea who support Chen are asking other fans not to discuss their idol's child and family. Here are some reasons why!



1. Protecting Privacy

Since announcing his marriage, Chen has never mentioned his wife's name or shown her photo. The main vocalist of EXO even didn't say when exactly his wedding took place. Chen intentionally did this because his wife is not from the celebrity circle and he wants to protect his family's privacy.

Therefore, fans promised not to discuss anything about Chen's family after the announcement of the birth of their daughter, because from the beginning, the man named Kim Jongdae didn't want to share his privacy.

2. Unauthorized Publication of Child's Birth

The news of Chen's daughter's birth was first reported exclusively by Financial News, not by the idol himself or SM Entertainment agency. The news even mentioned which clinic Chen's wife gave birth in.

However, usually the news of a celebrity's child's birth is announced by the agency or the artist themselves without mentioning where their child was born. From this, it can be seen that someone leaked the news of Chen's child's birth to Financial News without the idol's knowledge.

SM Entertainment was forced to confirm because the news had already leaked to the media. However, they might have actually been waiting for Chen himself to announce the happy news to the fans, as he did when announcing his marriage.

3. So Why is There a Trend Related to Chen's Child?

After the news of Chen's child's birth, various trending topics were created by EXO-L on Twitter, both using Hangul and English. One of them is #WelcomEXOPrincess. So why are there many trends on Twitter if fans want Chen's privacy to no longer be discussed?

The main reason is because there are many trends from Chen's haters who still cannot accept the singer of the song Beautiful Goodbye's decision to get married and have a child. That's why fans who support Chen are competing to create support hashtags so that the statements made by haters do not appear on the Twitter trending list.

4. Wanting Peace for Chen's Family

Many fans are aware that Chen wants his wife and child to grow up as a normal family without attention from the media or others. They support and greatly appreciate this decision. That's why fans don't want anything about Chen and his family to leak to the media again, so that it becomes the consumption of others and even worse, becomes fodder for haters to ask him to leave EXO.

Because besides being an idol who dances and sings on stage, Chen is also a normal human being who needs a peaceful and calm life with his beloved family.

5. Waiting for Chen to Publish Himself

Privacy is the full right of every person, including Chen. That's why fans promise not to discuss it anymore, unless Chen himself shares it with fans someday. But if he never wants to share photos of his child or share information about his family, fans will not force or try to find out, let alone spread it without the knowledge of their idol.

So, for example, if Chen shares a photo of his daughter someday, then fans will be ready to fangirl about the child. Hopefully, (because surely many are curious, right?)!

6. International Fans Agree

After fans in Korea shared their opinions about protecting Chen's privacy, many EXO fans abroad agree and will also protect their idol's personal life. Because it is also a form of support.

Well, let's be good fans, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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