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Fathia Izzati Joins the Excitement of VIRTUAL CLASS PARK NAM, So Much Fun!

Fathia Izzati Joins the Excitement of VIRTUAL CLASS PARK NAM, So Much Fun! (credit: Special) - Have you guys known yet that Kapanlagi Korea will hold VIRTUAL CLASS PARK NAM, tonight, Thursday (23/3/2021). Here, you can learn about healthy Korean diet, diet tips directly from fitness model Park Nam, and even simple workouts that can be done even from home.

Not only that. This event will also be supported by Youtuber and beautiful singer Fathia Izzati. So it will definitely be exciting, right?

1. Fathia Izzati Also Joins the Workout

Fathia Izzati will be the co-host here. In addition, Fathia will also share her experiences about diet and workout. She will also follow Park Nam during the simple workout.

Next, you can watch it directly on VIRTUAL CLASS PARK NAM. Not only will you get Korean-style workout tips, but there will also be interesting giveaways.

2. Let's Register!


Thursday, 25 March 2021
18.30 WIB

Register yourself, FREE! 100 participants will be invited to join Zoom and interact directly with Park Nam. Don't miss the giveaway worth millions of rupiah for those who join VIRTUAL CLASS PARK NAM. Register yourself through the link below!



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