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Greeting Fans, Kai EXO Will Hold a Live Broadcast to Celebrate His Solo Debut

Greeting Fans, Kai EXO Will Hold a Live Broadcast to Celebrate His Solo Debut Kai EXO. Credit: SM Entertainment - After a long wait, fans are finally thrilled to hear the news that Kai EXO will soon debut solo. The handsome idol will soon release his first mini album.

Now, to celebrate this special moment, Kai EXO is ready to do various promotions. One of them is through a live broadcast to greet the fans.

1. Live Broadcast

Kai will hold a live broadcast 'KAI: THE OPENING LIVE' to celebrate the release of his first solo album on November 30, 2020, at 15:00 WIB through Naver V LIVE EXO.

In this broadcast, Kai will introduce the songs in his album, including the title track 'Mmmh', and share many stories, including preparations for his first mini album.

2. Mmmh

'Mmmh' is a minimal R&B pop genre song that combines a simple yet addictive melody. The lyrics of this song express someone who honestly and confidently reveals their feelings of interest to the opposite sex at the first meeting.

Meanwhile, Kai's first mini-album 'KAI' will be released on November 30, 2020, at 16:00 WIB through various music sites. The physical version of this album will also be released on the same day.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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