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H-3 Solo Debut, Kai EXO Releases 'FILM: KAI' Giving Hints About Songs in His Mini Album

H-3 Solo Debut, Kai EXO Releases 'FILM: KAI' Giving Hints About Songs in His Mini Album Kai EXO. Credit: SM Entertainment - Soon, handsome and talented Kai EXO will soon make his solo debut. This guy will release a mini album titled KAI, which includes 6 songs.

Now, approaching his solo debut moment, Kai EXO releases a special video. Titled FILM: KAI, the video gives hints about the songs in his mini album.



Kai has released 'FILM: KAI', which is the highlight of the 6 songs in the album 'KAI', along with his performance video today, November 27, 2020, at 10:00 AM WIB, through the YouTube channel and Naver V LIVE EXO.

This album contains groovy R&B songs that showcase Kai's elegant dance moves, so as expected, 'FILM: KAI' has garnered a lot of attention with its sensual video that expresses the atmosphere of Kai's songs with a unique performance.


2. 6 Songs

This album contains 6 songs with trendy vibes, including the title track 'Mmmh', 'Nothing On Me', 'Amnesia', 'Reason', 'Ride Or Die', and 'Hello Stranger'.

Meanwhile, Kai's first mini-album 'KAI' will be released on November 30, 2020, at 4:00 PM WIB, through various music sites such as Flo, Melon, Genie, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music. The physical version of the album will also be released on the same date.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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