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Han So Hee Seeks Attention from Child Actress Lee Ro Eun with Aegyo on the Set of 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED'

Han So Hee Seeks Attention from Child Actress Lee Ro Eun with Aegyo on the Set of 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' Han So Hee - Lee Ro Eun © special - Han Sohee is a warm and aegyo-loving person in real life. This is evident from a behind-the-scenes video clip of the drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED.

On May 7, JTBC released a making-of video for THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED where Yeo Da Kyung (Han So Hee) goes shopping with her new family, Lee Tae Oh (Park Hae Joon), Lee Joon Young (Jeon Jin Seo), and Jenny (Lee Ro Eun). When Han So Hee meets Lee Ro Eun, she can't hide her excitement and immediately does aegyo in front of the child actress.

1. Inverse Relationship

Unlike the evil character she plays, Han So Hee is actually a warm person in real life. Even right before filming started, Han So Hee couldn't take her eyes off Lee Ro Eun.

Han So Hee tried various ways to get the attention of the young actress sitting in a stroller. From showing adorable expressions to jokingly wanting to bite Lee Ro Eun's leg.

2. Netizens Also Find It Adorable

After watching the video, netizens immediately commented on Han So Hee's warm personality. Instead of finding Lee Ro Eun adorable, they found Han So Hee adorable.

"I hate Yeo Da Kyung, but I like Han So Hee."

"She's so gentle."

"Han So Hee is so cute when she's around the young actress."

3. Han So Hee Aegyo

Discover the warm personality of Han So Hee that radiates from her aegyo in this behind-the-scenes video:


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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