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Have a Calm Face, These 4 Korean Actresses Often Play Lucky Poor Women

Have a Calm Face, These 4 Korean Actresses Often Play Lucky Poor Women Park Shin Hye, Kim Go Eun (credit:; credit: - Not always dazzling by being rich women or famous celebrities, it turns out these Korean actresses also play as poor women. Even sometimes they become poor women who always face big problems.

Nevertheless, they remain strong and eventually manage to find a wealthy prince or a king who can make them valuable women. Who are these Korean actresses?

According to various sources, here are 4 Korean actresses who play as poor women in a drama. Let's check it out.


1. Gong Hyo Jin

The first Korean actress to play as a poor and lucky woman is Gong Hyo Jin. Besides being an actress who often plays in romantic comedy dramas, it turns out Gong Hyo Jin has also played as a poor woman several times.

In the popular drama titled PASTA, she played as a poor woman who experienced an embarrassing experience because she was fired by her boss whom she liked. But in the end, she and the boss became lovers.

Then in the drama MASTER SUN, Gong Hyo Jin lived as a poor woman who had to live in a rooftop house and work as a janitor to make a living. But in the end, she met a wealthy man and became his partner.

2. Park Shin Hye

The next Korean actress who also played as a poor woman is Park Shin Hye. In the drama titled PINOCCHIO, Park Shin Hye played as a journalist who lived a simple life. But she was liked by a wealthy man, although in the end, Park Shin Hye was not with the man.

Then in the drama THE HEIRS, Park Shin Hye played as a poor woman who only lived with her mother who was a maid in a wealthy house. But luckily, Park Shin Hye was able to attend an elite school and was liked by a wealthy man.

3. Kim Go Eun

Kim Go Eun is also one of the Korean actresses who has played the role of a poor woman in a drama several times. Like in the drama GOBLIN, where Kim Go Eun plays a poor woman who lost her mother since childhood. But despite living a difficult life, Kim Go Eun eventually meets a handsome and wealthy man who becomes her partner.

Then in 2020, Kim Go Eun also played the role of an ordinary woman in the drama THE KING ETERNAL MONARCH. Then she meets a handsome and of course wealthy Korean king. Despite facing many problems, they finally end up together.

4. Park So Dam

And the last Korean actress who played the role of a poor woman in a drama is Park So Dam. This Korean actress is more known for her roles in feature films rather than Korean dramas.

In a Korean drama, Park So Dam played the role of a poor woman in CINDERELLA AND FOUR KNIGHTS. In the drama, she worked part-time for her living and education expenses. But in the end, she meets 4 handsome and wealthy men who protect her.

Aside from dramas, Park So Dam also played the role of a poor woman in the feature film PARASITE. This film, which became popular in various countries, has an interesting story. In fact, this film is one of the Korean films that won an Oscar.

Those are the 4 Korean actresses who played the role of a poor woman but were fortunate in a drama and feature film. Although they were poor women, they remained strong and resilient in living their lives.


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