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Hyun Bin Shows Daddy-able Charms Interacting with Child Actress on Set

Hyun Bin Shows Daddy-able Charms Interacting with Child Actress on Set Hyun Bin. Credit: tvN - Hyun Bin, a popular South Korean actor, has a special charisma that mesmerizes fans. Many people believe that he has a fatherly aura even though he is not married yet.

As you may know, Hyun Bin is currently busy filming his latest drama with Son Ye Jin titled 'Crash Landing on You,' which is being aired on tvN.

Now, there is a behind-the-scenes moment that shows the daddy-able charm of Hyun Bin when he interacts with a child actress. Curious about what it's like?

1. Behind The Scene

Behind The Scene

On Monday (13/1) yesterday, tvN released a behind the scenes video of the filming activities of the drama Crash Landing on You episode 9. Now, what caught attention in the video was the sweet attitude of Hyun Bin.

For that episode, there was a child actress who made a cameo appearance. The interaction between her and Hyun Bin immediately became a hot topic.

2. Daddy-able

To build chemistry, Hyun Bin tried to approach the little child. The actor looked at the young actress with a loving gaze.

Furthermore, Hyun Bin was seen constantly following the little girl and couldn't stop smiling sweetly while looking at her. Seeing this, fans feel that Hyun Bin is so daddy-able and could be a caring father in the future.

Check out the complete video here!


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