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IU Once Invited Yoo In Na Not to Get Married, So What Now?

IU Once Invited Yoo In Na Not to Get Married, So What Now? IU © Dazed Korea - IU and Yoo In Na are two popular Korean stars. They support each other in many things and even have the same thoughts about life. This was revealed by Yoo In Na when she appeared as a guest on the show 7.7 Billion in Love which aired on JTBC on Monday (24/2/2020).

Kim Heechul, one of the MCs on the show, asked Yoo In Na if the actress wants to have a small or big wedding celebration, or if she doesn't want any celebration at all. The answer from Touch Your Heart star was surprising.

"There's a possibility that I won't get married. IU once said to me, 'Let's not get married', so I replied, 'Okay. Let's not get married'," Yoo In Na said.

1. IU's Opinion Now

Yoo In Na then continued about what IU is currently thinking about marriage. Yoo In Na said that her friend has changed her mind.

"Now she says, 'I think it would be good to get married. Let's get married'. So I responded, 'Yes. Let's get married'. I don't know what she will do, but if she meets the right person, I will get married," said Yoo In Na.

2. Yoo In Na on Marriage

Furthermore, Yoo In Na said that she wants to have a small wedding party. She even plans to convince her future husband to not have a party. According to her, going through the emotionally intense wedding ceremony will help the couple have a bond of having gone through something together.

Let's wait for more happy news from Yoo In Na!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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