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Jeon Jin Seo, the Actor Who Plays Lee Joon Young in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED,' Caught Using Offensive Language on Facebook

Jeon Jin Seo, the Actor Who Plays Lee Joon Young in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED,' Caught Using Offensive Language on Facebook Jeon Jin Seo (credit: JTBC) - Just as Jung Jun Won was involved in a scandal for underage drinking and smoking, another young actor from THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED is now facing criticism. This time, the spotlight is on Jeon Jin Seo, who plays Ji Sun Woo and Lee Tae Oh's son, Lee Joon Young.

Similar to Jung Jun Won, Jeon Jin Seo's old comments on Facebook received harsh criticism. The 14-year-old actor used offensive language when commenting to his friends.


1. Offensive Language

From the photo above, as reported by Koreaboo, the red text is a comment from Jeon Jin Seo in English. He seems to be saying some offensive words that are considered inappropriate for someone his age.

2. Inappropriate Image

Not only did Jeon Jin Seo leave offensive comments, but he was also caught uploading images that were deemed inappropriate on his Facebook account. There is a photo of a young boy flipping the middle finger with a caption using offensive language.

3. Agency Statement

Shortly after Jeon Jin Seo's comments and old posts became a topic of discussion, his agency, T1 Entertainment, immediately released a statement. Here is the statement from the agency:

"Hello, this is T1 Entertainment. First, we would like to express our deep appreciation for the support given to actor Jeon Jin Seo in the drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. We would also like to apologize for the actor's old posts on Facebook that contained inappropriate words and illustrations. Jeon Jin Seo uploaded those illustrations as a meme that was trending among his friends, after he entered middle school and was not brave enough to date. Although he did not intend to oppose anyone when uploading them, Jeon Jin Seo is now reflecting on his reckless decision. The Facebook account has been deleted under the guidance of his parents."

4. Agency Requests Understanding

T1 Entertainment then continued their statement by saying that they will provide guidance to Jeon Jin Seo and request understanding from many people regarding his past behavior.

"As his agency, we will also be responsible for guiding him. Together with his parents, we will ensure that Jeon Jin Seo grows up to be a shining young man. We assure you that this incident will not happen again. Therefore, please understand that Jeon Jin Seo is only 15 years old (in the Korean age system). We kindly ask you not to make negative comments about his childish mistakes. We apologize to the production team of THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED for causing controversy."

5. Support from Netizens

Meanwhile, despite receiving criticism, many netizens have shown support for Jeon Jin Seo. They understand that although it should not have been done, it is considered normal for a middle school-aged child. Here are some supportive comments for Jeon Jin Seo:

"Learn from your mistakes and don't do it again. Stay strong!"

"This is not a big issue. Let him be."

"All boys his age curse. Don't tell me you've never heard it? He is only 15 years old. His parents and agency will be watching over him."

"If he wants to become an actor, he needs to be more careful. If it doesn't happen again, then it's not a problem."

6. What are KLovers' comments?

What are KLovers' comments about this scandal? Does anyone find Jeon Jin Seo's acting as Lee Joon Young in THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED adorable?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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