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Viral, Lee Min Ho 'Sing' Nassar's Dangdut Song 'Seperti Mati Lampu'

Viral, Lee Min Ho 'Sing' Nassar's Dangdut Song 'Seperti Mati Lampu' Lee Min Ho and Nassar (credit: Special) - One of the most popular Korean stars in Indonesia is definitely Lee Min Ho. After the success of BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS and being the spokesperson for a coffee product here, his handsomeness has made Lee Min Ho idolized by many Indonesian women.

It seems that not only women know Lee Min Ho. Do guys also know him? And recently, a video of Lee Min Ho singing went viral on Twitter.

Just FYI, besides acting, Lee Min Ho can also sing. He often performs several songs during fan meetings.

1. Video Edit

A Twitter user with the username @faisalyd uploaded a video of Lee Min Ho singing. But when playing the video, it's sure to be shocked when hearing the actor THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH instead sings the dangdut song Seperti Mati Lampu popularized by Nassar.

Of course, the person behind the Twitter account named Faisal Yadin has already edited the original video of Lee Min Ho singing and replaced the audio with the song Seperti Mati Lampu. But it's perfect how Lee Min Ho's mouth movements match the lyrics of the song. The dance moves of the 33-year-old man also suit the song Seperti Mati Lampu.

2. Biking Ngakak

Until this news was released, tweets containing edited videos of Lee Min Ho have been retweeted more than ten thousand times and made netizens laugh because it's just perfect, as if they were really hearing the Korean star singing dangdut songs.

For those who have seen the video, did you join in the dance?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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