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Vino G Bastian is said to resemble Park Hae Joon, the actor who plays Tae Oh in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED'

Vino G Bastian is said to resemble Park Hae Joon, the actor who plays Tae Oh in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' Vino G Bastian and Park Hae Joon (credit: Special) - Korean drama lovers are certainly familiar with THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED which is currently booming, not only in its home country of South Korea but also in Indonesia. In addition to its gripping storyline, this drama has also made its actors more familiar among fans.

One of the most familiar figures among drama lovers is Park Hae Joon, who plays Tae Oh, the husband who cheats on his wife. Although his character has made many people angry, Park Hae Joon has also successfully captivated women with his handsomeness.

Recently, Indonesian netizens said that Park Hae Joon resembles one of the top actors in the country. He is Vino G Bastian.

1. Called Similar to Park Hae Joon

It all started from a fan's post on the Twitter account @moviemnfs. They sent a picture of the Indonesian version of the movie remake MIRACLE CELL NO 7 and wrote that the main character is played by Vino Bastian.

Among the replies that said that the poster alone made them sad, suddenly someone interjected that Vino gradually looks like the actor who played Tae Oh in THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. It turns out that many also agree with this opinion.

2. Similar or Not?

A netizen with the username @bebepceye then tried to compare the photos of Park Hae Joon and Vino Bastian. Unexpectedly, until this news was published, the tweet received more than 1700 retweets and was liked 4 thousand times.

Once again, it indicates that many agree that Vino and Park Hae Joon do look alike. Not only handsome, but both actors are also talented in acting.

3. He said his smile is similar

Another netizen with the username @amalia7villa then combined a photo of Park Hae Joon smiling in his youth with a photo of Marsha Timothy's husband. They said that their smiles are very similar.

Do you agree, KLovers, that Park Hae Joon and Vino G Bastian look alike?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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