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Like a Masterpiece Painting, Jimin BTS Teaser Photo Framed by Fans

Like a Masterpiece Painting, Jimin BTS Teaser Photo Framed by Fans Jimin BTS © Big Hit Entertainment - Photo Jimin in the concept photo of BTS' latest album MAP OF THE SOUL:7 released by Big Hit Entertainment on February 9, 2020 has caused a sensation among fans. In the teaser photo, the BTS members wearing all-white clothes appear melancholic as they surround a black hole on the wooden floor of an old building.

In his individual photo, Jimin is seen standing next to the seemingly bottomless hole with a vacant gaze towards the camera. Fans agree that the photo looks very elegant like a painting.


1. Suitable for Classic Painting

BTS fans immediately fell in love with the dark and mysterious yet aesthetic concept. As reported by Koreaboo, fans added a frame to Jimin's photo to commemorate the beautiful appearance like an angel idol.

Fans feel that their idol's photo looks like a priceless classic painting. The title given by fans to Jimin's painting is "The Man Wearing Silver Earrings".

2. Angel in the Real World

Not only does Jimin look beautiful, but he also has a beautiful heart like an angel. Jimin secretly donated 1200 school desks to Busan High School of Arts during the winter vacation.

Jimin, who is also a graduate of the school, wants to show his love for his junior classmates who are studying there. Jimin's kindness has a positive influence on his fans, as evidenced by the voluntary blood donation activities carried out by fans to celebrate the birthday of the 1995-born idol.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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