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Rejecting Racial Discrimination, BTS Supports the Black Lives Matter Movement on Twitter

Rejecting Racial Discrimination, BTS Supports the Black Lives Matter Movement on Twitter credit via UNICEF - BTS finally becomes the next influential artist to support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. As known, in recent times, social media, especially Twitter, has been filled with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

The demand for racial injustice has even led to massive demonstrations and chaos in the United States. So, what kind of support did BTS give in their latest tweet?


1. BTS Opposes Racial Discrimination and Violence

Through their latest post on Twitter, BTS expressed their support for the #BlackLivesMatter campaign in two languages, Korean and English.

In their tweet, BTS stated that they oppose various forms of racial discrimination and all forms of violence.

"We oppose racial discrimination. We condemn violence. You, me, and all of us have the same right to be respected. We will stand together with #BlackLivesMatter," wrote BTS in their tweet.

2. BTS Becomes UNICEF Ambassador to End Violence

What BTS is doing is not actually something new, considering they are UNICEF ambassadors to fight bullying and various acts of violence that occur among teenagers.

In fact, in the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, BTS, represented by Kim Namjoon alias RM, who is the leader of the boy group consisting of seven members, expressed an iconic call.

"No matter who you are, where you come from, what color your skin is, or what your gender identity is: speak up!" said BTS.

For those of you who don't know, #BlackLivesMatter is a movement to end systemic racial injustice that occurs in the United States.

This action occurred after a black American citizen named George Floyd died, as a result of his neck being held down by a police officer's knee until he couldn't breathe in Minnesota.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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