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Revealed Han Seo Hee and Hwang Hana Allegedly Involved in Lee Sun Kyun's Drug Case

Revealed Han Seo Hee and Hwang Hana Allegedly Involved in Lee Sun Kyun's Drug Case Han Seo Hee - Lee Sun Kyun - Hwang Hana involved in drug case - After Lee Sun Kyun was revealed to be involved in a drug case, the Incheon police also stated that besides the actor, there are other parties involved in this case, including third generation conglomerates and aspiring new artists.

It is mentioned that the third generation conglomerate involved is Hwang Hana, while the aspiring new artist mentioned is Han Seo Hee. It is revealed that the police will also investigate both of them.

Hwang Hana and Han Seo Hee are not the first time involved in drug cases, where Hwang Hana has been involved in a similar case with Park Yoochun, a former member of TVXQ and JYJ. Meanwhile, Han Seo Hee has also been involved in a case of alleged marijuana use with T.O.P, a former member of BIGBANG.

In this case, the police have identified eight names involved including Lee Sun Kyun, Hwang Hana, and Han Seo Hee, while the rest are employees of an entertainment venue.

1. Initial Case

On Thursday (19/10/2023), Korean media reported that a top star referred to as L is suspected of drug abuse at an entertainment venue.

Shortly after, the Incheon Police Office issued a statement about who this L figure is.

"It is true that Lee Sun Kyun used marijuana and paid a large sum of money to a drug dealer. Although we need to conduct an investigation, we suspect that he was extorted by the dealer because of his fame," the police said.

2. Statement from Lee Sun Kyun's Agency

Lee Sun Kyun's agency has also issued a statement.

"We are currently checking the accurate facts regarding the allegations made against Lee Sun Kyun. We plan to diligently and honestly comply with the inspections and investigations that will be conducted in the future."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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