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Revealed! These are the 5 Reasons Why Bang Si Hyuk Made V BTS a 'Hidden Member' during Debut

Revealed! These are the 5 Reasons Why Bang Si Hyuk Made V BTS a 'Hidden Member' during Debut credit via HYBE Labels - BTS is now known as one of the most successful groups in the global music industry. Although not everyone may know each member's name individually, many understand that there are seven members.

However, did you know that this formation of seven members was not planned from the beginning? Bang Si Hyuk, the main producer of BTS and the owner of Big Hit Entertainment (now HYBE Labels) at that time, even made V BTS a hidden member before BTS's debut in 2013.

This information is no longer a secret among fans, but after almost 8 years of BTS's career, Bang Si Hyuk finally revealed the actual reasons why V BTS became a hidden member.

1. Not Planning to Audition for K-Pop Idol at the Beginning

Unlike other K-Pop idols who usually audition and then debut as trainees, V BTS's career journey is slightly different because initially, he was not interested in becoming a K-Pop idol, let alone auditioning.

Until one day, he accompanied his friend to audition at Big Hit Entertainment (now Big Hit Music). There, V was offered by Big Hit to audition as well. V then called his parents and immediately participated in the audition at that time.


2. Unripe Potential

When auditioning at Big Hit, V BTS revealed that he was asked several questions, including a request to showcase any talents he had in front of the selection team.

"I tried dancing, they asked if there were other talents? I sang, they asked again if there were other talents? I tried beatboxing, they asked again, is there something else? I tried rapping, they asked if there were others? I played the saxophone, they still asked if there was something else? Finally, I answered that there were no other skills that I could show," V said.


3. Feeling Being a Hidden Member

Even though V joined Big Hit in 2011, his face was never revealed to the public until the first teaser photo on June 2, 2013, 11 days before BTS debut. Meanwhile, other members had already introduced themselves through photos and vlogs since early 2012.

V also revealed that being a hidden member was not easy for him. He explained it in his first 'Bangtan Blog'.

"When all the members were shooting for their respective vlogs, I was the only one who couldn't do it, I was very sad. When the others were shooting in the studio, I also did it, but I couldn't upload it.

When shooting alone, I said this, 'today, this day in this month in 2013, I recorded this myself, and maybe it will never be released, I'm sad'," V said.


4. Never Understand His Meaning

After 8 years have passed, when his name has now become one of the famous members of the group worldwide, V was invited to reminisce by Rolling Stone Magazine. In a recent interview, V was asked about this hidden member.

"I actually never understood what the purpose and intention was," he said while laughing. "Why did they do that to me at that time? What kind of concept was it? I really didn't understand it."


5. Has Extraordinary Charisma

Responding to this, HYBE CEO, Bang Si Hyuk, explained the reason why BTS was formed with such a concept, and why he chose V BTS as the hidden member.

"We needed the perfect momentum to announce a group called BTS. V has great charisma, both in appearance and personality, so we thought that the impact would be huge if V was announced last. And indeed, that strategy was very effective in building the image of the group that would debut, as well as the impression received by fans from each member," explained Bang Si Hyuk.

Both V, Bang Si Hyuk, BTS, and the agency do not consider this to be a significant issue, because now they have grown and achieved success together like a family. Both BTS and V personally, this also left a special impression on their career journey. 

Because the hidden member of BTS has now transformed into one of the musicians, actors, models, and even a world superstar. How do you think the career journey of V BTS is, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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