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Serin Jo Reveals the True Personalities of 2 Handsome Korean Celebrities at KapanLagi Korean Festival, Making Her Love Them Even More

Serin Jo Reveals the True Personalities of 2 Handsome Korean Celebrities at KapanLagi Korean Festival, Making Her Love Them Even More - Many stories were unveiled during the exciting series of events at the first day of KapanLagi Korean Festival held on Saturday (25/7/2020). One of them was when Serin Jo revealed the true personalities of Korean celebrities she had encountered as a translator.

Serin Jo herself admitted that she would be impressed if the artists she met at the event were friendly, such as saying thank you or taking photos together. However, there were two Korean celebrities who left a deep impression on Serin Jo and made her wonder with their kindness.

"I wonder, how could they remember? Considering how many people they met at that time," Serin Jo expressed.


1. Known for Attention and Politeness

The first Korean celebrity that Serin Jo mentioned turned out to be Park Bo Gum. Serin Jo admitted that Park Bo Gum is an artist who is attentive and polite to everyone he works with.

"There are celebrities in Korea who are known for being polite, innocent, and sincere. He is an actor. Yup, that's right. Park Bo Gum. Two fanmeets in Indonesia. The first year was when I attended. The second year, coincidentally, I was there again. He was very friendly. We introduced ourselves before the event. 'I'm Park Bo Gum, I will work well.' And the following year, when I became a translator, he still remembered," said the translator who is also a housewife.

2. Received a Handwritten Letter

Furthermore, Serin Jo revealed that this handsome actor even wrote her a handwritten letter. The letter expressed Park Bo Gum's gratitude after completing the same event.

"He wrote it, using the Korean language when addressing it to me. Basically, it said 'thank you for being my translator'. And 'God bless you, success'. It's not typed, it's a handwritten letter," she continued.

3. Iseng Tapi Ramah

Next, there's Jackson GOT7 who made Serin Jo find him adorable with his behavior when he came to Indonesia. Despite being known as a mischievous idol, it turns out Jackson has a friendly side.

"He's famous for being very mischievous. But he's also humble. He has been to Indonesia two or three times. He also remembers," Serin Jo reminisced.

"Since there are many members, we were all close to each other. Then, when we were doing a Q&A session, I was focused on someone else. Then he (Jackson) playfully said, 'You're the one from last year, right?' And he always said thank you multiple times," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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