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Solar MAMAMOO Appears Bald in Solo Debut Teaser Photo, Surprising Fans and Immediately Trending!

Solar MAMAMOO Appears Bald in Solo Debut Teaser Photo, Surprising Fans and Immediately Trending! Solar MAMAMOO. Credit: RBW - The long-awaited solo debut of Solar MAMAMOO will finally come soon. Yup, not long ago, the melodious-voiced Idol will release her first solo album.

As known, Solar MAMAMOO herself is the leader of the talented girl group MAMAMOO. That's why many people have high expectations for this solo debut.

Approaching the D-day, the agency also uploaded several teaser photos and videos. There was even a moment where the beautiful K-Pop star left fans stunned!

1. Teaser

On Friday (17/4) yesterday, Solar MAMAMOO released the latest teaser photo for her first solo album, Spit It Out. Solar's appearance immediately became the talk of the town in the teaser.

2. Bald

Yup, Solar immediately caught the attention of fans through the latest teaser photo. Posing in front of the camera, the Idol is seen with a bald head!

However, of course, Solar didn't actually shave all of her hair. Thanks to the help of talented makeup artists, she is able to appear with a bald head.

3. Trending

Shortly after the teaser photo was released, Solar immediately became trending. In fact, she ranked first in Korea's largest search portal, NAVER>

On Twitter, keywords like Solar MAMAMOO and Bald Solar also dominated the trending!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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