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Son Ye Jin Reportedly Buys a Luxury Building Worth More than 200 Billion Rupiah

Son Ye Jin Reportedly Buys a Luxury Building Worth More than 200 Billion Rupiah Son Ye Jin © JLOOK - The latest news about Son Ye Jin is always anticipated. Recently, it was reported that the actress made a large-scale purchase.

According to an exclusive report on October 15, Son Ye Jin is rumored to have bought a building in Sinsa-dong, Seoul worth 16 billion KRW or equivalent to 204.5 billion rupiah. It is said that the 38-year-old actress made the deal on July 28 and proceeded with the payment on September 22.

1. Purchased Building

In addition, Son Ye Jin is also reported to have borrowed 12 billion KRW and paid the rest in cash. According to a report from KStarlive, the building was built in 1998 and has never been renovated.

The building is an 8-story property with two basement floors and 6 floors above ground. The building is currently open for cosmetic stores, plastic surgery centers, and others.

Congratulations once again to Son Ye Jin!


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