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Synopsis of Mystery Thriller Film 'RECALLED', Seo Ye Ji and Kim Kang Woo as Husband and Wife

Synopsis of Mystery Thriller Film 'RECALLED', Seo Ye Ji and Kim Kang Woo as Husband and Wife Seo Ye Ji © - Seo Ye Ji is now starring in a new film with Kim Kang Woo titled RECALLED. They will portray a married couple involved in a mystery story.

This film tells the story of a woman named Soo Jin (Seo Ye Ji) who starts to see the future when she loses her memory due to a car accident. As she tries to regain her memory, she discovers new facts about her husband, Ji Hoon (Kim Kang Woo).

1. Film Synopsis

Ji Hoon is portrayed as a caring husband, but he has a mysterious side that raises questions about who he really is in Soo Jin's lost memory.

On the other hand, Soo Jin is seen in the poster discovering a fact and saying, "When I see you tomorrow, you are a murderer." This film shares a surprising plot about a woman who sees her husband as a future killer, quoted from Soompi.

2. Showing in April

RECALLED is the directorial debut of Seo Yoo Min, who was previously a screenwriter for THE LAST PRINCESS, YOU CALL IT PASSION, A DRAMATIC NIGHT, and HAPPINESS.

This film is Seo Ye Ji's next project after starring in the drama IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. Meanwhile, Kim Kang Woo previously starred in WOMAN OF 9.9 BILLION in 2019.



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