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The Figure of Lin Yun, Beautiful Actress who Helps Stephen Chow's Financial Crisis

The Figure of Lin Yun, Beautiful Actress who Helps Stephen Chow's Financial Crisis Stephen Chow - Lin Yun ©special - The Chinese Star or Comedy King, Stephen Chow is reportedly on the verge of bankruptcy. Yes, the 58-year-old actor has to pay off his debt to his ex-girlfriend, Yu Man Fung, amounting to Rp 697 billion and debts to several investors in his company worth hundreds of billions.

Fortunately, even though he is almost bankrupt, the star of KUNGFU HUSTLE can still slowly pay off his debts. And the one helping his finances now is Lin Yun.

Yes, the beautiful actress who is now 24 years old is helping Stephen Chow from the brink of bankruptcy.

1. Extend Contract

At the beginning of his career, Stephen Chow was the one who discovered Lin Yun. In 2016, she immediately rose to fame by starring in the movie THE MERMAID.

And to continue earning income, Stephen Chow extended the contract with a lucrative offer. There is a reason why Stephen wants to keep Lin Yun.

According to Jayne Stars, Stephen really wants to keep Lin Yun because of her earning power.  

2. Considered as a Daughter

Since joining Stephen Chow's management, Lin Yun has been considered like his own daughter by Stephen. As known, since breaking up with Yu Man Fung in 2010, Stephen has not married.

In addition, at a young age, Lin Yun has already achieved success. She was the runner-up in Forbes China's 30 Under 30 list. And in 2019, she became the fifth most commercially successful actress chosen by Chinese netizens.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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