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[VOTE] Portrait of Jungwon, the Cute ENHYPEN Leader, His Protective Nature Emerges When You See Him Pose Like a Sad Boy

[VOTE] Portrait of Jungwon, the Cute ENHYPEN Leader, His Protective Nature Emerges When You See Him Pose Like a Sad Boy (credit: - Leader ENHYPEN is not only incredibly cute and adorable, but also has a beautiful voice and is skilled in dancing. Jungwon may be adorable, but he also has a mellow side when posing, which makes ENGENEs want to protect him.

It's no wonder he's nominated in the 'Who is the Most Suitable Korean Idol to be a Sad Boy According to You?' category in CROWN YOUR K-STAR this time. If you think Jungwon is suitable to be a sad boy, then you should definitely vote for our beloved leader!


1. At just 18 years old, Jungwon has taken on a great responsibility as the leader of ENHYPEN.

2. Not only that, he is also part of the maknae line. But that trust is answered with success.

3. Jungwon, who always looks adorable, is also a person who can lead his hyungs.

4. He also has a beautiful voice that is so polite to the ears. Suitable for singing sad and heartbroken songs.

5. Jungwon can also look soft in front of the camera, not just cute.

6. No wonder in some of his poses, Jungwon looks like a sad boy that makes us want to protect him.

7. But of course, let's pray that this kind-hearted and talented Jungwon is not sad. He must be happy always.

8. Let's just have enough of his sad boy pose or voting for now. Agree, ENGENE?


So, is Jungwon your choice for a sad boy? 

Choose Jungwon to be crowned as THE CROWNED K-STAR. THE CROWNED K-STAR is a title that will be given by KapanLagi Korea to idols who receive votes from polls conducted on the website, social media, and KapanLagi Korea community.

The idol who becomes THE CROWNED K-STAR will be highlighted by getting promotion on the KapanLagi website for two weeks, getting promotion on KapanLagi social media, and featuring content in the form of articles and videos.

Don't forget to vote for Jungwon as the 'Korean Male Idol Who Best Fits as a Sad Boy According to You' to become THE CROWNED K-STAR! VOTE HERE~

Period: May 30 - April 12, 2022




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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