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What If These 5 Anime Characters Became Squid Game Participants, It Would Be Exciting!

What If These 5 Anime Characters Became Squid Game Participants, It Would Be Exciting! Squid Game (credit:imdb) - The thrilling and dramatic adventure of Seong Gi-Hun in SQUID GAMES is indeed interesting and intense. But imagine if the roles of the SQUID GAME characters were taken over by anime characters? It would be exciting, considering that anime characters usually have abilities beyond human comprehension.

Of course, we will only focus on ordinary human characters who do not possess god-like abilities. If we include characters like Goku and Saitama, you already know who would win. Not only physical strength determines victory, but great mental strength has also proven to enable anime characters to outsmart their enemies.

This time, KapanLagi.comĀ® will discuss 5 anime characters who could easily win SQUID GAME. Besides being intelligent, these characters are also clever in solving the problems they face.


1. Norman (Promised Neverland)

The first character is Norman from the anime THE PROMISED NEVERLAND. It cannot be denied that this 12-year-old boy is very intelligent. He is the smartest child in Grace Field House who consistently gets perfect scores in all the exams given to him.

Norman is known to be strategic, analytical, rational, and has exceptional deductive logical abilities. He is a planner who can see the whole situation and make well-thought-out plans. Norman also has a strong sense of self-confidence that comes from the assumption that everything will work out in the end. He always relies on himself to find the answers, and even Norman himself states that he always manages to achieve what he wants to do. It would definitely be exciting to have this super smart kid in SQUID GAME.


2. Shiro (No Game No Life)

Not inferior to Norman, the girl addicted to this game is portrayed as a genius in logic and problem-solving. Despite her intelligence, Shiro also rarely shows much emotion and speaks in short and concise sentences.

Shiro's abilities need no doubt, she is a chess master who has won every chess game she plays. She can speak 18 languages and learn foreign languages in less than 15 minutes. She is also very skilled in a game and, along with her brother, is the best in more than 280 games. Considering that SQUID GAME consists of various games, Shiro, who is addicted to playing, might willingly participate.


3. Shinichi Kudo (Detective Conan)

This character is a young detective trapped in a child's body. Shinichi Kudo, or better known as Conan, is famous for his extraordinary ability to solve criminal cases. With his intelligence, he will surely be able to analyze every game in SQUID GAME easily.

As for his abilities, Shinichi has proven his calculated intelligence. Although only in middle school, he has advanced knowledge and understanding in various subjects. He has sharp eyes for details and can see unusual aspects in the cases he faces. Shinichi's careful attention allows him to see small details at the crime scene and use his clever logic to uncover the culprit.

Not only that, Shinichi also has extraordinary athletic abilities. He is a skilled soccer player who has been professionally trained since middle school. Shinichi is also agile and strong. He can perform acrobatic actions such as long jumps and swinging from tree to tree. His abilities are very suitable for the games in SQUID GAME.


4. Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)

Senku Ishigami is the main protagonist in the anime DR. STONE. Senku wants to rebuild civilization and establish a kingdom based on science. It can be said that Senku is a genius in the world of science.

He is proficient in chemistry, physics, geology, biology, and mathematics. Senku can easily create various useful tools and gadgets, including medicines from objects around him. In addition to his scientific knowledge, Senku also has a lot of wit and analytical thinking to solve problems. He also has great mental endurance, able to think quickly and calmly in the most tense situations.


5. L (Death Note)

The last character is L. He is a famous detective in the world who takes on the challenge of capturing a mass murderer known as Kira. This character with a messy appearance has a mysterious and strange personality but possesses extraordinary abilities.

L is very intelligent and has great deductive power, although many question him because of his appearance. He is skilled at deceiving his opponents and is willing to take risky actions to solve a case. He is also not afraid to use risky tactics to solve a case. L often uses trickery, misinformation, and analytical knowledge of human nature to help him defeat a criminal. It can be said that L is a very reliable deceiver. It can be imagined if we see this character in the game SQUID GAME. In addition to deceiving other players, he might deceive the mastermind behind SQUID GAME that will change the course of the game.


Author: Evan Reinaldo



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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