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Yeo Jin Goo Will Hold a Fan Meeting in Jakarta Next Month, Save the Date!

Yeo Jin Goo Will Hold a Fan Meeting in Jakarta Next Month, Save the Date! Yeo Jin Goo ©The Star Magazine - Good news for fans of Yeo Jin Goo. The star of the drama BEYOND EVIL will hold a fan meeting titled Ngabuburit with Yeo Jin Goo which is planned to take place at Jakarta Concert Hall iNews Tower, Central Jakarta on March 16th.

The promoter of the fan meeting is Adaptif Digital Kreatif (Addigtive) & King Entertainment. According to Defiana Syafiuddin from Adaptif Digital Kreatif (Addigtive), they have officially announced this event on social media.

"In accordance with the theme of Ngabuburit with Yeo Jin Goo, the fan meeting session is made only for 1000 people to create a more intimate atmosphere between Yeo Jin Goo and his fans (Yeo U)," wrote Defiana in the press release on Wednesday (21/2).

1. What Will Happen at the Fan Meeting?

In order for fans to get closer to Yeo Jin Goo, the fan meeting event will be filled with various activities. Moreover, it aims to cure the longing of Yeo U in Indonesia.

"The fan meeting session will be filled with various interesting and exclusive activities, including interactive games, Q&A sessions, and the opportunity to take direct photos with Yeo Jin Goo, which is certainly a valuable and unforgettable experience for Yeo U fans," said Defiana.

2. Tickets on Sale Starting Tomorrow

In order to participate in an exclusive meeting with Yeo Jin Goo, the ticket sales for Ngabuburit with Yeo Jin Goo will officially open on February 22, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM through the website.

Yeo Jin Goo's fan meeting tickets will be sold in three categories, namely Very Important Person (VIP) for Rp 2.3 million, and two other categories, CAT 1 for Rp 2 million, and CAT 3 for Rp 1.8 million.

Each ticket purchase will receive different benefits according to the ticket price. To find out more information about this fan meeting, it can be obtained on's social media.

"This fan meeting is the first for Yeo Jin Goo, coming to greet his fans in Indonesia. Previously, Yeo Jin Goo's Fan Meeting was only held in Singapore. Therefore, don't miss the opportunity to meet and interact directly with Yeo Jin Goo. As the promoter, we will present the best and unforgettable experience for Yeo U fans," concluded Defiana.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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