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Yoona Girls Generation Participates in Drama 'KING THE LAND' with Lee Junho

Yoona Girls Generation Participates in Drama 'KING THE LAND' with Lee Junho Yoona SNSD stars in drama KING THE LAND'. Credit: SM Entertainment - Yoona Girls Generation will appear as the lead actress named Cheon Sa-rang in the latest drama 'KING THE LAND'. 'KING THE LAND' is a drama set in the VVIP business space of 'KING THE LAND', which is the dream of all hotel business operators.

This drama tells the story of a man who cannot stand fake smiles and a woman who must continue to smile brightly.

1. Challenging Herself

The character Cheon Sa-rang played by Yoona is someone with a bright smile. She is someone who grew up working at 'King Hotel' which gave her the happiest memories since childhood.

Specifically, Yoona is currently challenging herself to act in a noir genre drama for the first time since her debut through the drama 'Big Mouse', and transforming into a hotel business operator through the drama 'KING THE LAND'.

2. Yoona's Acting Career

Meanwhile, Yoona has also received positive response from audiences for her acting in previously released films such as 'CONFIDENTIAL ASSIGNMENT', 'EXIT', and 'THE MIRACLE'.

The films 'CONFIDENTIAL ASSIGNMENT 2: INTERNATIONAL' and '2 O'CLOCK DATE' are also waiting to be released this year.

3. Allure

Yoona appeared as the cover model for the fashion life-style magazine 'Allure Korea' January 2022 edition with the theme 'Spirit and Joy in January'.

In the released photo, Yoona appears with a cool and fashionable mix & match look, ranging from chic to lovely. Yoona, who gave a perfect A-cut, received admiration from the staff.

4. Likes to Try Various Styles

In an interview, Yoona expressed her impression by saying, "I really enjoy photo shoots where I can try various styles in a short amount of time."

"I feel a different kind of energy when looking at the camera compared to the energy I give when performing on stage or acting. I enjoyed this photo shoot and I hope to give a new feel through this shoot," she added.

5. Beautiful Charm

Through the photoshoot for the January 2022 edition of Allure magazine, Yoona has successfully captured attention. She also proves that she is suitable for various fashion styles.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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