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18 Years of Work, Last Child Releases New Song: Collaboration with 18 Legendary Musicians of the Homeland!

18 Years of Work, Last Child Releases New Song: Collaboration with 18 Legendary Musicians of the Homeland! Last Child releases new MV 'Hancur Lebih Dulu' (Photo Credit: Vidio) - Written by Angelia Leony Van Augista

Formed in 2006, this music group consisting of 4 people is still thriving and has just released their new song. FYI, Last Child collaborated with 18 musicians for this project, KLovers.

“I wrote this song in 2012 and it was performed on a TV show, Last Friends, and the full version was highly demanded. Alhamdulillah, it can finally be realized this year,” said Virgoun. “Reflecting on the 18-year journey, the song Hancur Lebih Dulu, and friendship, it feels like everything is connected. In that period of time, including us, anyone has experienced destruction in life, whatever it may be; and when in that position, we will realize how valuable FRIENDS are, even when you are SHATTERED,” Dimas, Ipank, and Virgoun concluded.

For those of you who are new to this music group, let's take a look at their biography and information about their new project below!

1. Short Biography of Last Child

This music group was formed in 2006 and currently consists of Virgoun (vocals and guitar), Dimas (bass and vocals), Mamie (guitar), and Ipank (drums). The name of the music group itself does not have a special meaning. They formed this music group when they were still young. By participating in band auditions and unexpectedly passing, they continued Last Child more seriously and are still successful until now. Last Child adheres to the genres of pop punk and alternative rock in all of their songs.

2. Popular Songs by Last Child

According to Spotify, the 10 most popular songs by Last Child are as follows:
1. Duka
2. Diary Depresiku
3. Seluruh Nafas Ini
4. Sekuat Hatimu
5. Bernafas Tanpamu
6. Tak Pernah Ternilai
7. Saat Saat Itu
8. Pedih
9. Percayalah - New
10. Lagu Terakhir Untukmu

3. Destroyed First: Collaboration with 18 Musicians

This song is dedicated to Last Friends (the fans of Last Child) and also to everyone who just discovered this music group. Celebrating 18 years of work, Last Child collaborated with 18 Indonesian musicians to create a project together in making a song titled Destroyed First. The musicians involved are:
Andyan Gorust
Ayi, Dochi Sadega, Sansan "Pee Wee Gaskins"
Chio, Mbenk, Ocan "Stand Here Alone"
Dennis Ferdinand
Eben "Remember Of Today"
Eno "NTRL"
Erick "The Changcuters"
Fanny Soegi
Ichal "Strangers"
Kiki Ucup
Qzoot "Sweet As Revenge"
Widi "Vierratale"
Yai Item

"To the 18 musicians involved in this project, we want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We are happy to meet and miss each other during the shooting. Without you, this MV (music video) wouldn't be perfect," said Ipank.

4. Watch the Song Hancur Lebih Dulu on Vidio

Now, you can watch the latest music video Hancur Lebih Dulu on the Vidio platform. Curious about the song? Check it out HERE.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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