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Alan Releases Japanese EP 'Night & Day' to Showcase Extraordinary Singing Quality and Talent

Alan Releases Japanese EP 'Night & Day' to Showcase Extraordinary Singing Quality and Talent Alan: Special - Singer Alan is back with a new music surprise in the Japanese EP 《Night&Day》 on February 28 with the simultaneous release of the music video "Deep Love." This has surprised fans who have been waiting for a long time! Alan has been focusing on music in recent years, and after signing a contract with his old label, Avex, he has been producing brilliant works more frequently. After a year of hard work, Alan's signature Japanese songs can finally be enjoyed by fans, with this new EP specifically featuring two golden songs, "Deep Love" and "The Sky is Hope (Fantasy Man Tian Ji Yuan)", produced by two heavyweight Avex producers, Shinjiro Inoue and Yoshihisa Tokuda.

This shows how serious the management company is in working on this project! Alan also revealed, "《Night&Day》 is directly the embodiment of my life's struggle, working hard day and night, following my conscience to keep moving forward. At the same time, as a motivator, I hope that whenever and wherever, we have the courage to pursue what we love." Alan won the Silver Award at the 9th Shanghai Asian Music Festival in 2006 and stood out in Avex's talent search competition throughout Asia, earning the opportunity to develop in Japan.

The company sent famous producers like Koji Kikkawa, who has worked with renowned artists such as Ayumi Hamasaki, Koda Kumi, and the band Koshien, to create his album, which achieved tremendous success. His ninth solo single, "The Long-Distance River," reached third place on the Oricon Japan charts, making him the highest-ranking Chinese language singer on the Oricon Japan charts, an extraordinary achievement! Alan also sang the Chinese and Japanese theme songs for the film "Red Cliff" directed by John Woo, which is set against the backdrop of the Three Kingdoms period, taking his career to new heights. Regarding the opportunity to release new works, Alan said that in 2022, to celebrate his 15th debut anniversary, he will release a compilation vinyl album, which sparked his desire to release new songs in Japanese. "Due to some environmental factors and work schedules, this idea was put on hold, but finally with the support of the company, preparations started smoothly, and this new Japanese EP, 《Night&Day》, was born!" Collaborating with two famous mentors like Shinjiro Inoue and Yoshihisa Tokuda, Alan feels fortunate. When asked about his experience working with both teachers, Alan said that both of them are famous musicians, "I feel very honored to have support from both maestros for this Japanese EP.

1. Already Known for a Long Time

"It can't be denied, I have known Yoshikazu Tokuda since we worked together on the theme song 'Red Cliff' in 2008, and I never imagined that we would work together again after more than ten years. When we met again, I felt like my dream had come true," he said.

Alan said that the most memorable moment during the recording process was when he received praise from Tokuda, "When he said, 'I feel like I'm listening to a new Alan,' my heart raced. It's been a long time since I felt guidance and appreciation like this from a mentor. In front of a senior, I feel like I just debuted ten years ago," he continued.

2. Asking for Colleague's Help

It has been a long time since I released an EP in Japanese, Alan admitted that Japanese pronunciation in songs is still challenging for him, "While understanding the lyrics, I also asked for help from colleagues who are experts in Japanese to improve pronunciation." In addition, the lyrics of the two songs in this EP are very meaningful, Alan has made thorough preparations to absorb the meaning of the lyrics, and with each singing attempt, he slowly understands the lyrics. "I also made mental preparations, immersing myself in the story of the song, so that I can blend with this EP."

By releasing this new EP, Alan hopes to show a different side of himself through language expression, and also hopes to make a small contribution to the cultural exchange between China and Japan. Alan shared that his recent focus of work is more in mainland China, he also mentioned that he spends more time at home with his family, and also enjoys traveling, experiencing the beauty of nature, "For me, it is an effective way to quickly restore my energy."

Alan's new Japanese EP, 《Night&Day》, brings a different human thought than before, with two Japanese songs, "深愛 (Shen Ai)" and "空は希う(漫天寄願 Man Tian Ji Yuan)", showcasing Alan's extraordinary vocal abilities, Alan's distinctive singing style returns, bringing a deep nuance, Alan revives the boundless imagination of fans towards this beautiful singer in the pop music world.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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