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7 Western Songs You Must Listen to If You're Falling in Love

7 Western Songs You Must Listen to If You're Falling in Love Spotify/Michael Buble, Lauv, Clean Bandit - Written by Angelia Leony Van Augista

Everyone has experienced falling in love. There are many mixed feelings in it. We can feel extreme happiness, not wanting to be far from the person we like, and sometimes feeling jealous when the person we like is interested in someone else. Although the feeling of falling in love can be complicated, there will always be someone new who can make us fall into that feeling.

There are many popular songs that talk about love. Love-themed songs are easier to understand and accepted by listeners because everyone has experienced it. Unlike music that takes on religious or social criticism themes that not everyone can relate to.

Instead of denying it all the time, it's better for you to get along with the feelings and listen to the songs below. Let's check them out together!

1. Never Not - Lauv

Released in 2018, this Lauv song can be your go-to when you're in the mood for vibing while falling in love. The lyric snippet "For as long as I live and as long as I love, I will never not think about you" describes someone who is head over heels, right KLovers? You can listen to the song here!

2. bad - wave to earth

KLovers must be familiar with this South Korean band. wave to earth achieved success with their song titled bad with a total of 112 million streams on Spotify. If you're feeling down, tired, or low when you're in a long-distance relationship or away from your partner, this song is perfect for you. bad tells the story of how the days become filled with joy when we're with our significant other. Let's listen to the song together!

3. W.H.U.T - Aisha Retno

Who doesn't know this song? This Malaysian singer's song went viral on TikTok, KLovers. W.H.U.T itself is an abbreviation of Wanna Hold U Tight, seems really bucin, right? This song is perfect for you to listen to with your partner. KLovers can listen to the song here!

4. Nothing - Jeremy Passion

In addition to Bruno Major's song with the same title that became a trending audio on TikTok in 2023, Jeremy Passion also released his bucin song in 2018. Carrying the RnB/Soul genre, this song really shows that someone is falling in love. "Honey, we'll make it. Nothing can stop us, nothing can stop us now" is a snippet of the lyrics that makes the listeners believe in the power of love. Curious about the song? KLovers can listen to it here!

5. Everything - Michael Buble

Pop & Jazz musician from the 2000s never fails to release popular songs. His song titled Everything is perfect for accompanying you when you're falling in love. The lyrics in the chorus can make the listeners melted. Curious about the song? KLovers can click below!

6. Anybody - shae, WIMY

Just released last year, this song tells the story of someone who is falling in love and experiencing butterflies in their stomach. If Klovers are feeling the same way, try listening to this song. It can represent your feelings when you have a crush on someone. You can click below!

7. Symphony - Clean Bandit, Zara Larsson

Who agrees that 2017 was the era of EDM songs? Many musicians embraced the viral and popular EDM genre in that year. Clean Bandit and Zara Larsson succeeded with their song titled Symphony which is guaranteed to make you nostalgic for those times. Let's reminisce together!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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