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Being a Singer, Beautiful Daughter of Irfan Hakim Releases Song 'Dead Light'

Being a Singer, Beautiful Daughter of Irfan Hakim Releases Song 'Dead Light' Aisha, Irfan Hakim's Daughter - Credit: Fikri Alfi Rosyadi © - The artistic blood of Irfan Hakim runs through his beautiful daughter, Aisha Keem. The 13-year-old girl follows in her father's footsteps in the entertainment world. Unlike Irfan Hakim, who is more focused on the presenting world, Aisha Keem herself prefers the music industry in the homeland.

Aisha Keem has just released a new song titled Dead Light. This is Aisha Keem's debut work after a career in the Indonesian music industry.

The song Dead Light was written by Aisha Keem herself and is based on a true story. "The song was inspired by a true story of losing a friend. I expressed it and turned it into lyrics and melodies that I wrote myself. I gave it that title because the lyrics are metaphorical," said Aisha during a virtual press conference on Tuesday (2/2/2022).

The lyrics go like this, 'Our friendship is over and you're the one who decided it'," Aisha continued

1. Contemporary Arrangement

The song Dead Light is arranged by Irwan Simanjuntak. A composer who is experienced in making songs enjoyable to listen to. Through Irwan Simanjuntak's skillful hands, the song Dead Light is made contemporary.

"So even though the lyrics are a bit heavy, I asked for a contemporary arrangement, that's why there is also a dance," says Aisha.

2. Full Support From Parents

As a singer, Aisha admits that she is fully supported by both of her parents.

"They give me the freedom to choose as long as it is right. Yes, support. I used to take vocal lessons, not anymore, but they allow it, no pressure," says Aisha

3. Hope for Irfan Hakim

As a parent, Irfan Hakim continues to provide support to Aisha Keem, who is now a singer. Irfan Hakim also hopes that his child can achieve success in the music industry after previously being involved in equestrian and martial arts.

"As parents, we can only support as long as it is still within the right path. Hopefully, it can inspire other Indonesian children to be creative," Irfan concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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