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Farid Stevy, Vocalist of FSTVLST (Festivalist) Band, Admits Creating a Band Because of The Strokes, Here's the Story

Farid Stevy, Vocalist of FSTVLST (Festivalist) Band, Admits Creating a Band Because of The Strokes, Here's the Story Faris Stevy: Special - Sirin Farid Stevy or Farid Stevy has a unique story before diving into the music world as a vocalist of a band. He admitted that the American rock band, The Strokes, was his inspiration in creating the band Jenny, which has now changed its name to FSTVLST (Festivalist).

When met in the Senayan area, South Jakarta recently, Farid Stevy shared this story. Initially, he himself was pessimistic about his musical abilities, but that changed after he listened to songs from The Strokes.

"I created a band because of The Strokes. Initially, I was skeptical about playing music, but after listening to The Strokes, the band was born, Jenny was born," said Farid Stevy.

1. Bernuansa The Strokes

Farid Stevy does not deny that every FSTVLST song has the nuance of The Strokes in it.

"That's why in Jenny or FSTVLST there's a touch of The Strokes," he said.

"Only I realize it, others don't because it's only me who listens to (The Strokes)," he added.

2. Already Made an Agreement

However, Farid Stevy mentioned that there is an agreement among himself and the other band members. They will not cover The Strokes' songs, but this can be violated when performing at small events and only if the personnel are not complete.

"We've never covered Strokes songs, whether it's Jenny or FSTVLST, because it's an agreement, but there have been times (we covered) at small gigs and only because the personnel were not complete," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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