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Full Limitations Due to Covid-19, This Young Singer Releases 2 Religious Singles at Once

Full Limitations Due to Covid-19, This Young Singer Releases 2 Religious Singles at Once Wian Wianyta (Credit: Special) - This year's Ramadan is very special for young singer Wian Wianyta. Despite all the limitations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Wian has released his latest religious single.

Not only that, this 18-year-old singer has released two singles at once. Cuma 5 Waktu and Surga atau Neraka are the two singles released by Wian under the umbrella of Sani Musik this Ramadan.

1. Becoming a Comfort

"My hope is that these two songs can become a source of comfort for Muslims during fasting," said Wian Wianyta, when met in Jakarta recently.

Cuma 5 Waktu tells the importance of prayer as a guide for Muslims. As it is known, Muslims are obligated to perform five daily prayers. In Islam, the obligation of performing these five daily prayers is widely known, both among scholars and among the Muslim community.

2. The Promise of Allah SWT

"Even if a servant performs various deeds, none of it will be beneficial for him as long as he still neglects prayer," said Wian Wianyta.

Then, Heaven or Hell tells about how Muslims should live their lives well and full of faith. As promised by Allah to the believers, heaven is a worthy place for them when they are no longer present on earth.

3. The Meaning of the Song Heaven and Hell

"Whoever desires heaven, then heaven is for him, as a gift from God. And whoever desires hell, then hell is for him, as a form of His justice. The destiny of human deeds is in accordance with the ease that he obtains in traversing those two paths," said Wian Wianyta explaining about the theme of the song Heaven and Hell.

4. Positive Message

The presence of these two religious singles is expected to give positive messages and positive energy to Muslims who are fasting in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"My hope is that this song can provide a positive message and atmosphere for Muslims. Another hope is that this virus will end soon, so that we can gather again with family and perform worship together," hopes Wian Wianyta.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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