Lyrics of Maher Zain - Huwa Al-Qur'an and Its Translation in Indonesian
Let's listen to and absorb the lyrics of the song Huwa Al-Qur'an by Maher Zain below, complete with its translation in Indonesian. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers! - Maher Zain is known for often conveying spiritual messages through his profound lyrics. One of his songs, I Love You So, expresses love and gratitude to God, inviting listeners to draw closer to Him with sincerity.
With a gentle melody and meaningful lyrics, the lyrics of the song I Love You So by Maher Zain bring peace. This song illustrates the immense love of God and how love for Him can free the soul and give strength in living life.
Let's take a look at the lyrics of the song I Love You So by Maher Zain along with its translation in English. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!
I pray to God
I pray to God
My heart, soul, and body
With my heart, soul, and body
Every single day of my life
Every day in my life
With every breath I solemnly promise
With every breath, I solemnly promise
To try to live my life for You
To try to live my life for You
O Allah! You did revive my soul
O Allah! You have revived my soul
And shone Your light into my heart
And shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing You is now my only goal
So pleasing You is now my only goal
Oh I love You so
Oh, I love You so much
I love You so
I love You so much
I love You so
I love You so much
Now I know how it's like
Now I know how it feels
To have Your precious love in my life
To have Your precious love in my life
Now I know how it feels
Now I know how it feels
To finally be at peace inside
To finally feel peace inside
I wish that everybody knew
I wish that everybody knew
How amazing it feels to love You
How amazing it feels to love You
I wish that everyone could see
I wish that everyone could see
How Your love has set me free
How Your love has set me free
Set me free and made me strong
Set me free and made me strong
O Allah! I'm forever grateful to You
O Allah! I am forever grateful to You
Whatever I say could never be enough
Whatever I say will never be enough
You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties
You gave me strength to overcome my doubts
And stand firm against all the odds
And stand firm against all challenges
You are the One
You are the One
Who did revive my soul
Who has revived my soul
You shone Your light into my heart
You shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing You is now my only goal
So pleasing You is now my only goal
Oh I love You so
Oh, I love You so much
I love You so
I love You so much
I love You so
I love You so much
Now I know how it's like
Now I know how it feels
To have Your precious love in my life
To have Your precious love in my life
Now I know how it feels
Now I know how it feels
To finally be at peace inside
To finally feel peace inside
I wish that everybody knew
I wish that everybody knew
How amazing it feels to love You
How amazing it feels to love You
I wish that everyone could see
I wish that everyone could see
How Your love has set me free
How Your love has set me free
Set me free and made me strong
Set me free and made me strong
These are the lyrics of the song I Love You So by Maher Zain complete with its translation in Indonesian. There are still many other song lyrics that KLovers can find out by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?
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Let's listen to and absorb the lyrics of the song Huwa Al-Qur'an by Maher Zain below, complete with its translation in Indonesian. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!
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