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Latest Update Regarding Bring Me The Horizon's Comeback to Indonesia, Getting Closer to Reality!

Latest Update Regarding Bring Me The Horizon's Comeback to Indonesia, Getting Closer to Reality! Bring Me The Horizon is almost confirmed to have a concert in Jakarta again this year (Photo credit: TPG Images) - Recently, there have been rumors that Bring Me The Horizon will make a comeback to Indonesia around August 2024. According to the circulating rumors, the British band will be accompanied by Babymetal and Bad Omens.

Now, these rumors are getting closer to reality. Ravel Entertainment, as the promoter, recently uploaded a video on their official Instagram account that provides significant clues.

"For about a year, we have been preparing the concert that you have been eagerly waiting for," said Ravel in the video, which contains footage of Bring Me The Horizon.

1. Moment of Paying Off Unsettled 'Debt'

This will be the moment when Ravel pays off his unsettled 'debt'. Just a little information, Oli Sykes and his bandmates performed in Jakarta in 2023, but had to stop their performance halfway due to technical reasons. Even their second day concert was completely canceled.

Of course, Ravel received massive criticism at that time. Instead of staying silent, it turns out that Ravel has been preparing a big surprise to bring BMTH back to Indonesia this year.

"We have tried our best to bring the best show ever, but something we didn't want to happen occurred. And this is our responsibility," Ravel continued in his statement.

2. Completing Unfinished Performances

Although there is no official word, in the uploaded video reels, it is clearly seen footage from Bring Me The Horizon. There is even a rendition of the song Drown, which is one of BMTH's most popular hits.

"From the deepest depths of our hearts, we apologize to all of you. This year, we have the opportunity to complete unfinished performances," Ravel concluded in his video.

If we go by the clues mentioned above, it is 99% certain that Bring Me The Horizon will indeed return to Indonesia this year. What do KLovers think? Is there anyone who doesn't want to watch BMTH anymore?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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